Ramon Morales
{K:513} 9/3/2007
Bonita presentacion de un stillife, me gusta la composicion, textura y todos los elementos envueltos en la presentacion.
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 7/31/2007
Great my dear alicia:)just great:)))
big hug my dear friend
RahiL G.
{K:362} 7/30/2007
I liked the compostion and the theme of the shot! I couldn't underestand the ABOUT, though! :)
Kerry Nobbs
{K:2800} 7/21/2007
Interesting about nice. Good picture and idea. Ha you translated it after I did nicely done...tea for two...Kerry
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 7/18/2007
Unfortunately I can not understand your about...but seems very beautiful Your picture is amazing..I like it a lot:)
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 7/18/2007
Tranquilo Dave!!!... no pienso matar a nadie!... sólo los pulgones de mis rosas... El mate es una infusión, típica de países como Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina
Oscar E. Flores H.
{K:7850} 7/15/2007
La foto está buenísima. El retrato escrito que leí del mate es ionsuperable. felicitaciones por el detalle.
louis Michael
{K:4210} 7/13/2007
Alicia, This is a well composed still life. The colors and clarity are outstanding.
{K:11377} 7/11/2007
Very attractive, beautiful work, Alicia! Cheers, Harry
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 7/10/2007
Lovely still life composition ..good clarity and colour..nessa
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 7/9/2007
LOL, Alicia. I have run your "about" though the translator and even some of the other comments. All you keep talking about is the "kills". I hope you are not going homicidal on us. Es no bueno. :)
I think what I am seeing is that you are saying this is a food garnish to put on your food for flavoring. I hope so.
Good job!
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 7/8/2007
Bonita composicion y interesante about del mate. Las dos fotos son lindas Alicia. Alison
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 7/8/2007
My dear Alicia, the lighting, colors and detail are all perfect but what is magnificent is about, thank you for sharing, would love to try your mate tee :)))) Hugs Srna
alberto baez duarte
{K:8175} 7/8/2007
ojala pues...!!! nunca he tomado mate asi que probarlo sera siempre algo novedoso....
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 7/8/2007
Seguro lo harás, avísame y espero con el mate! Saludos!
Ahmed Ismail
{K:19853} 7/7/2007
Very nice still life image! The lighting, colors and detail are all perfect. Beautiful! Must try mate tea! Regards, Ahmed
alberto baez duarte
{K:8175} 7/7/2007
hola alicia....buena foto,excelente combinancion de colores......respira tranquilidad y ganas de tomar el mate....algun dia lo hare en un vaje pensado a argentina....ojala sea pronto....
Elle Elle
{K:10958} 7/7/2007
Alicia, this is so neat with lovely colors, nice shot, though I like your attachment even more! best, mahassa
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 7/7/2007
Beautiful image dear Alicia, very nicely composed !!!
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 7/7/2007
Bellissimo still life e interessante l'about. Brava ALicia.
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 7/7/2007
Very nice composition and colours, Alicia. Warm hugs:) Viola
John Hatz
{K:156973} 7/7/2007
It's a pretty composition dear Alicia, well presented obejcts and composed with the plants! Nice lighting conditions...warm!!! Best regards!
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 7/7/2007
Hello dear Alicia....I was three years ago in Argentina,in Mendoza too:))) There it was the first time that I tried mate tea...I have to say...I like it very much!!!!Great shot and a good idea!!!!!! Very well done,Nicole
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 7/7/2007
Usando un traductor te lo envío, espero puedas entenderlo! The rite of the maté...
vos sabés of what I speak.. A simple infusion, with an unmistakable flavor that, even if one the degusta seriously, finds that it is not rich. Neither ugly: it is only maté!
But here the gist of the matter. Hacete the distracted one, you develará a great truth: the simple maté is nothing else and anything less than a demonstration of securities:
It is bancar solidarity those washed matés because the chat is good; the chat, not the maté
It is the respect for the times to speak and to listen: vos hablás that I take and vice versa
It is the sincerity to say well: - Coarse... cambiá the herb!
It is the companionship made moment...
It is the affection to ask: - Is it hot, not?
It is the modesty of who it feeds the best maté
It is the generosity of giving until the end.
It is the hospitality of the invitation, either in the cloth carpet or of grass.
It is the justice of one by one.
It is the obligation of saying "thank you", at least once up-to-date.
It is the ethical, frank attitude, loyal of being without more pretenses that to share a maté that... dear friend, now vos sabés, is not only a maté...
When do we take some matés?
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174169} 7/7/2007
I'm afraid the 'about' did not come through the translator at all well. But the photo is a very nice still life, querida Alicia.:)
Mojgan Bahasadri
{K:16243} 7/7/2007
Only a big congratulations on the tones, the idea, and ..........;)
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 7/7/2007
Very well composed still life, Alicia, with excellent colours, as well. Dave.
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 7/7/2007
ahhh mi querida amiga sébeme unos amargos por favor!! Muy adecuado el about!
Un abrazo!
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 7/7/2007
El equipo completo
