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10+10=21 !!!!!!!??????
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 By: Shadi Porooshani  
  Copyright ©2007

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Photographer Shadi Porooshani  Shadi Porooshani {Karma:11236}
Project #59 Big and Little Camera Model BenQ
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio Lens no
Uploaded 7/5/2007 Film / Memory Type N/d
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 515 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 32 Rating
/ 11 Ratings
Location City - 
State -  ISFAHAN
Country - Iran   Iran
About Imam musque in Isfahan / Iran
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There are 32 Comments in 1 Pages
shahid habib ullah   {K:646} 2/3/2008
very nice picture and imazing picture
your picture have same little problame your mosque center tower capture in centre


Amir Mohammadi Amir Mohammadi   {K:4258} 10/21/2007
so nice shot Miss Porooshani;
I love "Naghshe Jahan" Sq. and the buildings that are located there. This mosque is called "Sheikh Lotfollah" (Imam mosque is located at the right) and I know you have taken this image from up stair "Ali Ghapoo" building. I have 2 shots from this mosque that I`ll be happy if you see them:

but I believe that you have done better than me.


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 9/8/2007
perfect. marvelous composition. 7++++++++


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 7/16/2007
many thanks dear friend
warm regards


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 7/16/2007
many thanks dear friend
warm regards


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 7/16/2007
many thanks dear friend
warm regards


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 7/16/2007
many thanks dear friend
warm regards


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 7/16/2007
many thanks dear friend
warm regards


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 7/16/2007
many thanks dear friend
warm regards


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 7/16/2007
many thanks dear friend
warm regards


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 7/16/2007
many thanks dear friend
warm regards


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 7/16/2007
many thanks dear friend
warm regards


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 7/16/2007
many thanks dear friend
warm regards


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 7/16/2007
many thanks dear friend
warm regards


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 7/16/2007
many thanks dear friend
warm regards


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 7/16/2007
many thanks dear friend
warm regards


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 7/16/2007
many thanks dear friend
warm regards


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 7/16/2007
many thanks dear friend
warm regards


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 7/14/2007
Beautiful dear Shadi:)
just beautiful!!!!

hugs biljana


Kamran Bakhtiari Kamran Bakhtiari   {K:24048} 7/13/2007
great shot Shadi,Afareen,besyar ziba


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 7/11/2007
Wonderful capture, good enough to be a post card, i like it to the maximum, simply ... perfect. Best regards dear Shadi,riny


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 7/10/2007
Amazing building and amazing presentation, with great colors, and very good quality...I love the way that the two people being really on your frame at the bottom left corner!!!
Best regards!


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 7/9/2007
Excellent shot sweet Shadi ... Amazing scene with beautiful colours, fantastic title, Imam musque is really so very big looking from any aspect .... good symmetry, great title !!!!
7/7 my clever Girl :))))
Warm hug


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 7/9/2007
Excellent title that goes well with this marvelous architecture... well done, Shadi !!!


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 7/6/2007
What an amazing piece of architecture my sweet princess and all set in the most gorgeous grounds. It must surely be one of the biggest Mosques ever. You have taken a great subject and captured it beautifully my dear friend. Well done to you. My very best wishes to you as always sweet Shadi and a big HUG from......Ray


Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 7/6/2007
Preciosa imagen...con mucho ritmo y una luz revitalizadora!


Mohammad Aslefallah Mohammad Aslefallah   {K:1725} 7/5/2007
very fantastic.
very good composition and interesting symmetry and good title


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 7/5/2007
What Big and beautiful architecture dear shadi.... and what tiiny little people in comparison !! A very nice shot my friend ....

Best Wishes,


Mohammad Elabd Mohammad Elabd   {K:608} 7/5/2007
wonderful unique shot ,thanks for showing us those architecture treasures,i wonder what you mean by the title...


G G G G   {K:61359} 7/5/2007
This is a wonderful capture you made Shadi. The colors are fantastic and the perspective on this musque very nice.


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 7/5/2007
Hi Shadi...what a beautiful capture of this mosque.It remembers me at Oman where I was two years ago,they have the same mosques!!!Your picture is very crisp and clear,I like the beautiful colors and all the great details.You have done a great job my dear:))))
All the best and a big hug my dearest Shadi...Nicki;)


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 7/5/2007
Amazing scene!!!Beautiful shot and nice composition.




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