Larysa Khomenkova
{K:3039} 12/10/2007
Yours Sally has excellent eyes. I think that she knows exactly what do you want and what do you feel. May be this is the best species of the dogs. I like this shot so much. Excellent moment was captured by you, dear Guy. All the best. Larysa.
J.J. Guy Longtin
{K:6546} 7/9/2007
Thanks again Sylvia - Springer Spaniels are very faithful dogs and great around children. Before my Dalmatians I had a springer spaniel named Renfrew and he was by far the smartest and greatest dog I have ever had. Sally Mae was rescued from a dog pound where she was on death row. It has taken me a few months to get her settled down but now she's just part of the family. Guy
Sylvia Marriott
{K:12812} 7/8/2007
Hi Guy, I can't understand why this photo is not ratedX( I love the way you have captured the soft yet keen expression of this charming breed. It is a breed which is just starting to take off in the show ring in South Africa, a really beautiful breed of dog. Sally Mae is a truly gorgeous girl. 7+++++++++++++ Sylvia
J.J. Guy Longtin
{K:6546} 6/22/2007
thank you Cessy for viewing and commenting on my photo - it truly is appreciated. Guy
cessy karina
{K:14205} 6/22/2007
she is so adorable very nice portrait of her
J.J. Guy Longtin
{K:6546} 6/22/2007
Thank you very much Joanna - yes she's a little sweety and pretty much gets her was around me. Guy
J.J. Guy Longtin
{K:6546} 6/22/2007
Thank you Diego for taking the time to view and comment - it truly is appreciated. Guy
J.J. Guy Longtin
{K:6546} 6/22/2007
Gracius Alicia for taking the time to view and comment on my photo - it truly is appreciated. Guy
Joanna Lamb
{K:3796} 6/21/2007
What a great shot of an absolute cutie! She's gorgeous! I bet those eyes win you over every time! Cheers, Jo
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 6/19/2007
hi J.J., fantastic portrait for this beautiful dog ... ( even if my dog is the much most frightful one ... www.usefilm.com/image/1320537.html ) regards diego
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 6/19/2007
preciosa perra, está seria y elegante en esa pose!!! Felicitaciones!!!... a tí por el retrato y a ella unos cuantos mimos