"How much pressure you been on to lose the beard over the years boy? I relented. Small town octegenarian ma in law equates it with thieves and worse, strangers... why don't I get a shave like George Bush she said. Ahh but it's gone... and she's still kicking."
You gave in to your mother in law ! Better grow it back ASAP.
Here's a classic, many years ago when my wife was pregnant with our first child my MIL said something like: "you should shave off your beard now, the baby won't recognise you when it's born".
Oooh perspective again! Would it lux in low light? How much pressure you been on to lose the beard over the years boy? I relented. Small town octegenarian ma in law equates it with thieves and worse, strangers... why don't I get a shave like George Bush she said. Ahh but it's gone... and she's still kicking.