Erin Kelley
{K:1603} 12/27/2007
haha, Thanks Martin for all your support and insight. That's awesome he got a job! I hope we all get to do photos, more full time. I'm actually getting married in July! I'm trying to get him more involved in photos :). I got him a camera this Christmas! Anyways, again, thanks for all the compliments they are greatly appreciated. Best wishes, Erin
Martin .
{K:24957} 12/24/2007
Alway's follow your heart. My dear and loving Son just got a job with his local newspaper, which makes me proud. Just a sales job, but that's what I do. I want him to shoot for them, and I pray all of the time, that we both land a job doing what we love, which is photography... :)
You might want to check him out, as he is about your age... Not that I'm a match maker, or anything... ;) Chase Wilson ... did I say that?
Erin, Please check this, as you only get 1 chance going this fast... hehehe...
My very best to you and yours this Season,
Erin Kelley
{K:1603} 12/24/2007
Awesome insight, thanks Martin! All of your comments are so appreciated! The positive feedbakc is so encouraging. This running shot, I think I had them run back and forth at least 10 times...it was either her hair in her face, they weren't smiling, or a car was coming...
Thanks again! Erin
Martin .
{K:24957} 12/23/2007
Wonderful composition and cropping with the lens. You need to practice action shots in your home 1st then go to the streets.
People look at me crazy when I'm getting my timing down at the race track, but when they start to run fast it is well worth it... ;) I sort of get my camera setting figured out then start practice motions. Like moving by turning at my waist and not my head. 1 fluid motion with the camera braced against my forhead and hands. I put both of my elbows against my chest and pivot @ my waist only, so I don't get camera shake... ;)
Well done indeed,
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 12/2/2007
What a great timing and what a great enhancement of the main actors from the background using selective focus! Another one of those images about the special meaning of a single split of a second that reveals its meaning as just one of the many moments, the sequence of which make up reality. And herein lies one of the powers of photography, namely the "ripping off" that single moments from that series and making it to *the* moment. I think that this is why such frozen moments look also a bit surreal on images.
The separation from the background is so well done that both young people seem to pop out from the image, just as if they were happy for simply being able to run across the street. In combination with their smile this creates the atmosphere of complete freedom from any worried, even if this lasts for only a moment.
And if one looks a bit closer, then.. even the lighting is different on them. It is white, happier, they are much more highlighted than the somewhat more moody background. Which of course suggests even stronger the very fact that the grey concrete jungle behind them doesn't prevent them from feeling the moment.
Another great image!
Stephen Bivens
{K:7308} 6/11/2007
Here in Tampa,Fl getting ready to launch a music fashion mag. and freelance out of tampa and Cleveland. Here is my address StephenBivens@msn.com My new pix are in large raw format and I will tell you where to take a peek at them. Cheers, congrats on school.
Ahmed Ismail
{K:19853} 6/10/2007
A beautiful moment well captured. A very nice shot. Regards, Ahmed
tapas banerjee
{K:1711} 6/10/2007
Very impressive candid shot!
Ed Krebs
{K:958} 6/10/2007
What a great vintage vibe!
Erin Kelley
{K:1603} 6/10/2007
Acutally, just graduated and got a job! A small West Texas town. Thanks, I love this one---they look so happy. What are you up to?
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 6/10/2007
Wonderful!!! Absolutely wonderful!!!!
Stephen Bivens
{K:7308} 6/10/2007
I love this shot action. What school are you going to ?
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 6/10/2007
This is a nice shot. It has a strong candid feel to it, Erin.
Erin Kelley
{K:1603} 6/9/2007
haha thanks wayne! i loved it too, they look so genuinely happy.
Wayne Winsauer
{K:7331} 6/9/2007
Cute image! Very nice expression and action. Tells a story with one shot! He: "c'mon my love theres a car comming" She: "I'm trying my love but these shoes..." :) Well done!
Alain Mijngheer
{K:11733} 6/9/2007
Life, love and happiness... Well done!!! Grtz,
Mark Brewster
{K:307} 6/9/2007
nice shoy, Erin! i love the motion blur that you captured. the black and white selection goes wonderfully with the old fashioned theater in the background. good work.
the only thing i might try if you haven't already is cropping out the car on the left side. you would maintain the 2 subjects, the street, and the theater. also, it would center the people. just a thought