Hi Dustin, It's a hunter strategy. Basically you have to seat and wait in a forested area near their hunting grounds. Always remember to keep the sun on your back and your shadow pointing at your target. Arrastradero offer those options, especially if you go there early morning. Their home range is small and they usually frequent a few favorite trees on their neighborhood, so it’s easy to predict some of their actions. In my previous pics you can identify 2 of their favorite trees. Hardwood trees are very usefull to these guys because allows them to clear their beaks after meals. They are very vocal, and when their parents have captured a vole, they announce noisily to the juveniles that they have food for them. Early morning is the best time to get them because they obviously do not hunt at night, so by sunrise they are hypoglycemic, hungry and very active so, they concentrate more in hunting and will pay more attention to a mouse than to a photographer. Also, I think you can get closer if you go just by yourself than if you go with another photographer. Juveniles are more innocent and sometimes they come close to you just to please their curiosity. Unfortunately the adults are more skittish. In general, these kites are elusive and nervous and if you get into their “line of fire”, they usually fly away. You’ll be more successful getting closer if you let them come to you than vice verse. These guys will be here for a few more months, so you still have good chances to capture them after you come back from Africa. Regards. Yamil