Yamil Saenz
{K:12434} 11/6/2007
Hi Sandy, Great shot of the hawk. I think this is a Juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk. If I am not mistaken, these guys are the most common Hawk in Florida. In my previous trips to the state I have seen a few of them, even in urban areas such as Orlando. I have seen them also at the Everglades, Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge and Corkscrew Swamp. Juveniles are sometimes difficult to identify, due to their similar colors, size and physical characteristics. I posted these 2 images of the Red-shouldered Hawks from California. They are a bit different but it's the same species- Buteo lineatus.
http://www.usefilm.com/image/1370029.html http://www.usefilm.com/image/1367650.html
Here is a link to the Red-tailed Hawk.
Todd suggested a Cooper's, but Cooper's are a bit different. Here is a link to the Juvenile Cooper's so you can compare.
And a link to the Merlin, which is a lot smaller.
I hope that helps and keep the good work.
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 6/30/2007
Sandy Sanders
{K:71} 5/30/2007
Hey Todd, I've been so busy lately I haven't had time to check out your newest pics or some of the other guys. Thanks for your critique as always. I'm going to upload another picture of this guy(in about a hour) takent at only 1/500 shutter speed, so I think it will look much brighter than this one.
Geoff Ball
{K:3375} 5/29/2007
Great shot. At that distance a flash fill wouldn't be possible. I love the moss on the branch, great little details. Very nice
Todd Weeks
{K:7636} 5/29/2007
Hi Sandy,
This looks like a Cooper's Hawk, but I could be wrong about that. It is definitely not a Red-tailed Hawk. It may also be a falcon (Merlin), but I don't think so. The biggest difference would be the size. Try googling both names and check the pictures that come up.
Nice catch either way. Looks like you didn't have the best lighting to work with.
Sandy Sanders
{K:71} 5/29/2007
Wow, thanks for all the positive feedback guys! Critique is always welcome too. I was just trying not to scare him off and get as close as possible. The shot would probably have come out better had I used a slower shutter speed, but I expected him to take off any second so I used higher shutter speed.
Again thanks for all the feedback, pos or neg. :)
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 5/29/2007
Very nice capture of the hawk, Sandy! You've got the markings very well. Dave.
Shahyad Rohani
{K:974} 5/29/2007
Hi Sandy Very Very Nice Shot +++++++7 shahyad
Sandy Sanders
{K:71} 5/29/2007
Thank you, gracias! I just can't wait until I get a Nikon lens with VR. MMMmmmm This lens is over 10 years old, but still works pretty darn well on my Nikon D70s.
Again thanks,
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 5/29/2007
Interesante captura. Felicitaciones!