Keith Growden
{K:29240} 5/20/2007
Excellent capture of scene and colours. Love it. Cheers Keith
roberto canepa
{K:7382} 5/6/2007
ciao Albert, che bel paesaggio! luce ed inquadratura perfetti. bellissimo il contrasto tra la parte inferiore, luminosa e colorata, e la superiore cupa e incolore, abbastanza inquietante... e forse per questo motivo avrei scelto un altro project... ma questo č un dettaglio: una foto bella! roby
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174169} 5/6/2007
Another splendid landscape, Alberto!:)
Chris Hunter
{K:25634} 5/6/2007
Great shot. Lighting, composition, clouds... all work very well.
Cheers, Chris
Robert Kilgore
{K:2218} 5/6/2007
I have never been to Italy. But when I saw this photo, my first question was what part of Tuscany is this. Outstanding job of showing the landscape.
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 5/5/2007
Wonderful landscape:) I like your picture very much hugs biljana
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 5/5/2007
Absolutely stunning photograph Alberto! The light and colors are beautiful! The scenery is breathtaking! I love how the light is striking the tree! Congrats on this fine photograph! My best.......................John 7 !
Ozgur Ipek
{K:1922} 5/5/2007
Hi Alberto, wonderful place, lovely shot, congrats, best regards...
Wouter van Noort
{K:4369} 5/5/2007
Beautifull landscape. I like the strong contrast and the quality of the light.