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Image Title:  drive
Favorites: 2 
 By: Robin W  
  Copyright ©2007

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Photographer Robin W  Robin W {Karma:16308}
Project #8 Reflections Camera Model Sony DSC-F88
Categories Transportation
Film Format Digital JPEG High
Portfolio something different
Lens fixed
Uploaded 4/18/2007 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 529 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 25 Rating
/ 8 Ratings
Location City - 
Country - United States   United States
About Yes, multi-tasking...driving and clicking at the same time. Dangerous I know but..rural highway, light traffic, beautiful sunset color...had to try it!
ISO100, 1/60, f/3.5
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There are 25 Comments in 1 Pages
Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 8/31/2007
Thank you good to hear from you!


Ace Star Ace Star   {K:21040} 8/29/2007
beautiful shot Robin! i myself did the same once while driving :)
stunning capture btw :)

good luck


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 5/1/2007
How about it??? First ticket in 20+ years, first speeding ticket EVER. :(

Whispered in Tyler's ear that the fine folks from CA send their best...thanks Doyle!


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 4/27/2007

Speeedy Gonzales? Give our best to the lil one too! ;)

Doyle I <~~~~~


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 4/27/2007
It IS rather funny Onie...I was alternating between laughing and kicking myself in the a$$ for being so dumb! The up-side...Officer Friendly had gorgeous eyes...of course my daughter had to bring it to my attention, I would never notice such a thing on my own...;)

Warm wishes passed along to the little guy, thank you!

:) Robin


Leonie Fitzpatrick Leonie Fitzpatrick   {K:40551} 4/27/2007
~~GRIN~~ Sorry Robin... I am crying laughing here...)))

Hope it wasn't me that hexed you???...:))) OOOOHHH!!! I feel so bad...~~GRIN~~...

My first tickets, two of them, when Colin was in ICU... but only parking tickets ~~GRIN~~... and like you, spotless record unlike the *other half* LOL... Speeding tickets his forte... never drastic enough for loss of license tho... always that 5-10 k over...

You will be able to tell little Tyler how he owes you a speeding ticket ~~GRIN~~...

Still 3-4 weeks yet for the move... Had to put a colour in my hair today, ~~GRIN~~ the racing stripe on top looked like a landing strip... I'm getting greyer for the waiting...)))

You stay safe and give Tyler a huge, warm sloppy wish from us here Sweet Lady...:)))

If you put ear plugs in, maybe the sirens won't sound so embarassing ~~GRIN~~...



Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 4/26/2007
You won't believe this Onie...

I have taken this trip three times a week for the last three months...visiting little Tyler in the hospital. Never do I drive more than 10mph over the speed limit, until yesterday...and guess what I heard?, sirens...yes, sirens. And then, my first speeding fact, the first ticket I have received in 20 years or so. The hubby's response...*laughter* "sweet"! That's what I get for always comparing my spotless driving record to his less than perfect one! :)

Thanks for the kind words my lovely friend! Hope the move goes well...

Warm hugs...Robin


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 4/26/2007
Thanks Sam, I appreciate the comment!


Leonie Fitzpatrick Leonie Fitzpatrick   {K:40551} 4/23/2007
LOL... Thought I heard sirens...:)))

Excellent, clever, creative multi-tasking and your driving on the wrong side Sweet Lady, but what the heck, so is everybody else in this shot...:)))

Love the sunset caught on the car and the mirrors Robin, plus the cooler twilight colours ahead of you...:)))

Extra nice... Think the sirens have stopped now LOL...

Huge HUGS every day...:)))



Sam Graziano III Sam Graziano III   {K:14064} 4/19/2007

First of all, I have to say that I don't think I have ever seen a better display of being able to multi-task then this one. I Love all of the different lines and angles in the shot that are all brought together by the mirror.

The diagonal lines of the roadway and complimented by the slights diagonal lines of your vehicle. There is so much to look at with-in this shot! You have out done yourself Robin.

Congrats on the image and thanks for sharing.

My Best Regards


7/7 and a Fav
You have the curving angles of the hills and clouds that are complimented by the mirror and


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 4/19/2007
Thank you the future, I promise to be more careful. :)

Take care my friend!


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 4/19/2007
LOL...cell phone, dinner, perhaps some mascara...see, it could have SO much more dangerous than it actually was!

Thanks Jan, always a pleasure to hear someone else "gets" it!

:) Robin


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 4/19/2007
Robin -- This is a great shot even if taken with insane risk. I would wax poetic on what I see but Doyle beat me to it so he gets all the credit for the premiere rave. Suffice it to say that all the elements work in harmony and like when we drive, we multitask, watching for so many things (and eating our burgers and fries at the same time while steering with our knees).
--Best to you, Jan


1301307 60 1301307 60   {K:44058} 4/19/2007
nice capture Robin, wow! beautiful colors behind you, nice warm light... good the traffic was light and yet you were able to compose well. I like the mood, I like driving.. I get the same feeling when I see good light while driving.
Don't over do this shot unless it is clearly safe or if it is really that good to capture, better park first... take care gramma!


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 4/18/2007
Thank you metoni!


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 4/18/2007 thoughts also Baha...thank you for the kind words!


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 4/18/2007
Thank you Subhashis, I appreciate your comment!


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 4/18/2007
*squeals of delight* ooooh, you saw everything I did when deciding to post this Doyle...everything! Thanks for seeing more than just a mirror shot...and beyond the danger of a "loon" with a camera roaming the highway.

Take care...Robin

ps...where's the challenge in letting the hubby drive?...besides, bug splats to the forehead hurt like 'ell.


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 4/18/2007
Thank you Iman, much appreciated!


metoni . metoni .   {K:24727} 4/18/2007
Nice composition.


Mahmoud Baha Sadri Mahmoud Baha Sadri   {K:19634} 4/18/2007
Hell with the danger as long as it has such an outcome..great shot Robin...baha


Subhashis Ghosh Subhashis Ghosh   {K:1647} 4/18/2007
Awsome Shot!!!
This is really a tough shot!!!


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 4/18/2007
Ok . . . insanely dangerous and not recommended for the non-genius types . . . . :)

I'm honest to goodness intrigued like crazy with this one Robin! It has so many different areas of reflections, variations in colors and tones - not to mention lighting changes.

Darkness ahead . . . a lighted building (Love that particular accent) and suggestions of clouds in the sky . . . Then, juxtaposed with that is the large sideview mirror . . . clearly an interesting shift in colors and the warmer hues merge with the cooler hues. They're pretty much eliminating them as the warm colors are losing their struggles against the coming of the coolness (with its cool colors) in the night. Then there's even the reflections off the car and side windows themselves . . . All warming colors -

All Those reflections seem very warm and contrast well with the cool colors in front of you . . . but the spot mirror adds yet another accent . . . one that combines the warm and cool colors on the same palette.

I like it . . . like a variety of pictures in a collage . . . but a natural collage where each piece fits well with the others. But next time, have hubby drive and you can hang you head out the window like a puppy, snapping away safely! :)

Very creative!

Doyle I <~~~~~


Iman Fouad Iman Fouad   {K:12295} 4/18/2007
Exellent abstract composition and light.well done Robin.


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 4/18/2007
Ha! First comment! :)

Doyle I <~~~~~




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