Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 3/29/2007
Well, I do love this photo, which looks like paradise, Gerhard!:)
Sylvia Marriott
{K:12812} 3/28/2007
Hi Gerhard, I didnt realise how it was there, I only saw the tourist side of the island. Without the human element, the place is still one of the most gorgeous places on earth:-)(IMO) Sylvia
Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP
{K:18382} 3/28/2007
Hello dear Sylvia Sincere thanks to for your detailed and praising comment. My picture does not correspond however the full truth over this island. Picturesque and beautifully are prepared usually that for the tourism zones, like here in this example. 70-80% the island consists of sugarcane plantations. The villages and cities are not typical for this part of the earth and unproblematic. Mauritius belongs however to the rich countries of Africa. I do not want to say now here, Mauritius would not have pleased me. I saw however also the other side of the country. Sincerely Gerhard
Sylvia Marriott
{K:12812} 3/28/2007
Hi Gerhard I have been to Maurititus and you have captured the essence of that beautiful island in this photo. Mark Twain said ' God created Mauritius and then he created heaven' Wonderful island and a wonderful photo. 7++++++++++++++ Sylvia
Gennaro Manna
{K:21301} 3/28/2007
Bella immagine che trasmette molto senso di tranquillità e pace, ottima la ripresa e la resa dei colori molto naturale..un posto da favola!! gennaro