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Image Title:  Tanguá
Favorites: 8 
 By: T Glow  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  T Glow {Karma:14955}
Project #15 Personal style & the metaphysics of art. Camera Model sony dsc-f717
Categories Architecture
Film Format
Portfolio Lens carl zeiss
Uploaded 5/3/2003 Film / Memory Type digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 2125 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 112 Rating
/ 83 Ratings
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There are 112 Comments in 1 Pages
Gustavo Eulalio   {K:3777} 5/1/2004
Que foto perfeita, puxa! Parabéns!


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 4/30/2004
Really love this one. nice contrast, colors and reflections. great mood. cheers, thilo


Giancarlo Liguori   {K:5281} 1/20/2004
How do you got this colors? Nice reflex!

Giancarlo Liguori


Amancio Couto   {K:15720} 12/7/2003
SUPERB! Estupenda esta foto!!!


Carlos Sabino Villalba   {K:203} 8/15/2003
Simplesmente perfeito !!!


Gaetan Chevalier   {K:4188} 7/26/2003
Excellent. Very beautiful colors and nice reflection.


Erol Avanoglu   {K:703} 7/19/2003
With one word, excellent.


Carla Pires   {K:10713} 7/16/2003
Esta foto tem magia....Efeito espetacular na água...
Penso que nada mais há a acrescentar, com tantos comentários, não vou repetir ninguem, simplesmento digo...:
Parabens! ...;)


Gil Draper   {K:3194} 7/14/2003
T another very beautiful photograph. gil


Sun Shine Sun Shine   {K:6225} 7/12/2003
maravilhosamente Tadeu.



gregory J. mclemore   {K:1810} 7/7/2003


Deleted User   {K:4318} 7/5/2003


Sun Shine Sun Shine   {K:6225} 7/1/2003
EMBASBACADA ESTOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MARAVILHADA!!!!!!!!!!!



Rildo Moura   {K:134} 6/23/2003
Este lugar é realmente lindo, pena que quando visitei o dia estava bastante nublado.É em Curitiba, não?

Parabéns pela beleza de foto que voce consegui tranmitir com tão grande fidelidade.


Gregory Fiedler   {K:15439} 6/17/2003
Beautiful image.


Judy Kessler   {K:6316} 5/22/2003
Beautiful as always... such a wonderful view. well done kind sir.


Berenice Kauffmann Abud (AFIAP/2004)   {K:3147} 5/18/2003


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 5/11/2003
Again stunning photo! Excellent clarity at the water!


James Pratt   {K:1567} 5/9/2003
As Des Paroz said, hindsight is a wonderful thing and I know that I wouldn't have taken a photo as good as that....ever.

My thoughts on the crop, were simply that the subject has such strong symmetry that maybe this was one image that could handle the 'straight on' approach. Perhaps as you say my alternative crop does 'kill' the image.

Whatever the merits of my thoughts I hope you agree that it's better to have receive constructive criticism (right or wrong) than comments that are merely praise (however nice that is to receive0. A well deserved "editor's choice" anyway.


Philip Slipstream   {K:47} 5/8/2003
Nothing more to add. Its a great picture.


Tinne Wouters   {K:726} 5/8/2003
Great shot !!!


Onur Aydin   {K:9815} 5/8/2003
Spectacular enjoyment !


augusto mario cunha   {K:19049} 5/8/2003
O homem é importante, está sempre no noticiario! Me dá um autografo? Olhe eu tirei umas 35 fotos daquelas Alamandas e joguei 34 fora. Elas são belas mas lisas como quiabo, não tem qualquer detalhe visivel e minha Canon detesta-as. Por isto deixei só o brilho extremo que as caracteriza e que é ressaltado pelo fundo. Mas vamos ao que interessa:
A gente fica até sem ter o que dizer, com este céu, as águas com o reflexo e tudo o mais. Como comentar a perfeição?


Carole Bradford   {K:10715} 5/8/2003
Perfect composition, lighting, colours and subject! Congratulations on POTD!


Des Paroz   {K:422} 5/8/2003
I very much like the photo, and especially exposure

However it looks just a tiny bit out of balance. Obviously quite a symmetrical scene, but the tree on the right throws it out a bit. A Moving a bit more to the right and taking a straight on shot (as James Pratt suggested) may just improve the balance.

Personally I generally don't like central, straight on shots, but in an obviously symmetrcial scene such as this, it would probably work better.

It is a great shot, one I would be proud of, and doubt that I would've done any better. I hope you accept my "benefit of hindsight" comments!


Anna Pagnacco   {K:7448} 5/8/2003
Splendid image.Congratulations!Anna


Mary Alves   {K:1173} 5/8/2003
Splendid... This is a great moment
My favorite.


Andrew Lahanas   {K:7062} 5/8/2003
Besides the golden colour that I love I think the low angle and the undulating water looks top.


Marjon B   {K:387} 5/8/2003
Perfect shot, great colors and atmosphere.


rino sirio   {K:8012} 5/8/2003
bel lavoro..ciao


Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 5/8/2003
Meu amigo,eu sabia...esta foto é um espanto e não fui só eu a dar por isso.
Parabens, ele está consigo, mais uma porrada de gente de bom gosto...
Um abraço,


paola f. casali   {K:7301} 5/8/2003
Great work!!!!


Lucas Macedo   {K:12843} 5/8/2003
Maravilhoso, T. Parabéns! ..... Lucas


Trevor Tollefsbol   {K:2458} 5/8/2003
Beautiful shot! I love the reflection and how sharp each ripple is. Nice work.


Attila Nemeth   {K:419} 5/8/2003
Breathtaking! Excellent!


judy ben joud   {K:4160} 5/8/2003


gemini lucas   {K:696} 5/8/2003
Love the colors and reflections!


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 5/8/2003
Congratulations on you Photo of the Day. Well deserved. Don


Marta Franco   {K:311} 5/8/2003
Esta tonalidade dourada é linda, é uma foto muito agradável de se ver.


Urbano Canoas Neto   {K:568} 5/8/2003
Stunning capture!!
Regards, Urbano


Bandi Friedmann   {K:1100} 5/8/2003


Maurilio Ultramari   {K:8200} 5/8/2003
Congratulations Glow! Sem duvida uma linda imagem.


pepita blu   {K:5935} 5/8/2003
simply fabulous! :)


Estevao Jose   {K:6115} 5/8/2003
Um lugar merecidíssimo para esta fantástica foto: primeira página!!! Parabéns!!! (Bem... se esta não é uma foto fantástica, eu gostaria de ver uma, pois eu não concordo com o comentarista acima).


michelle k.   {K:16270} 5/8/2003
here's some thoughtless praise for ya: great job! congrats on photo of the day! it's beautiful. nice colors. (hi T!)


Aiman Nassar   {K:11961} 5/8/2003
Excellent work T (as usual) wonderful colors and compsoition... tend to agree on the straight on composition as James said... but it is pleasure to the eye to look at your work


James Pratt   {K:1567} 5/8/2003
Hang on, hang on you guys! This is a wonderful photo, truly wonderful, but I really cannot believe that out of 67 reviews only one person raises the smallest comment that this pic is anything ther than perfect. And all he said was ... "colors are beautiful and contrast ok. composition might be little different...". He's right. As I'm sure T Glow would agree the composition is NOT perfect (better than most of mine, but NOT perfect).

If you all thought it was perfect, why so many 6's out of 7?

T Glow, here are my comments. It IS a wonderful image, but in this instance I would have preferred a more 'straight on' composition. The offset here doesn't add anything. Also a fraction more light on the building might have been an improvement. Only my humble thoughts, but surely to goodness this site is meant to be about constructive criticism, not just thoughtless praise!


Lorenzo Lessi   {K:6589} 5/8/2003
Wonderful golden tones and expression! Great regards!


Nicola Vassallo   {K:9801} 5/8/2003
e bravo T Glow!!


Rui Palha Rui Palha   {K:13624} 5/6/2003


MEmar ME MEmar ME   {K:12566} 5/6/2003
Olá T:
As suas imagens são um verdadeiro show, onde não falta nada, imaginação, sensibilidade, magia, colorido, beleza, enfim e muita muita criatividade.Admiro-as e fico a pensar que gostaria de ter esta arte e engenho para modelar o meu olhar.
Esta imagem entoa cânticos à beleza, em preces de perfeita sintonia.
Parabéns e um sorriso de MEmar.
(Os seus comentários são acolhidos por mim com todo o prazer. Eu sei que sou uma leiga, todavia, o que me falta em técnica sobra-me em coração e é ele que dita o meu olhar. Isto tudo para lhe dizer que os seu ensinamentos serão sempre bem vindos, pois eu não sei nada. Um obrigada sentido)


Márcio Arruda   {K:45} 5/5/2003
Que maravilha de fotografia !!!!!


evangelia g   {K:2283} 5/5/2003
beautiful,T beautiful.


Alex Belfi   {K:3344} 5/5/2003
Hi, i'm here again... i just saw the thumbnail in your portfolio, when i thought 'Oh well, i have to leave a comment, i like so much this picture...' A wonderful colored sky and the water gives that special liquid effect, not as easy to get in a photograph as one might think, good work! Ciao!


Kaj Nielsen   {K:15279} 5/5/2003
Excellent compoced, very beautiful light and coloring, great warter. Regards Kaj Nielsen


Cristiano Corte   {K:10836} 5/5/2003
Original and perfectly realized. Ciao, Cris.-


Diamantino Mendes   {K:12959} 5/5/2003
Splendid work, beautiful composition and great colors tone. Regards!


Nando Mondino   {K:14261} 5/5/2003
Another great landscape, with an excellent lighting!


Sandor Szollos   {K:7681} 5/5/2003
Very nice,great work! Regards,Sandor


G:)nter Hofstädter   {K:854} 5/5/2003
very nice mood ! I like the water in the foreground, it?s adding some depth to to pic !


Alberto Ferrero   {K:5762} 5/4/2003
Great composition and tone. Relaxant atmosphere. Ciao, Alberto.


Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 5/4/2003
My friend T, another stunning picture.I wonder if you have, over there, in Curitiba, a secret machine throwing out a top quality picture by the hour.You know the "Old Faithful" geiser, in the USA ? He spits warm water about every hour- now he?s slower, then it was one hour sharp, now ít take about 1:10 for the next show- and anyway you seems to be doing the same.Well, he shall not like, but ,he?s not doing a good job, anyway. So the twenty , again, is yours.
By the bye, where is it? The water is water or oil ? It looks so quite...


Arturo Nahum   {K:959} 5/4/2003
fantastic light and tones T.


Michael Coddington   {K:340} 5/4/2003
I'm speechless...the water is awesome


Wilson Junior   {K:2092} 5/4/2003
Esta é uma das melhores que vc já mandou.
Mande o seu melhor trabalho na sua avaliação, só não esqueça de avisar.


RAY CHARLES   {K:2731} 5/4/2003
Stunning capture T, great work.


Hakan Aker   {K:14146} 5/4/2003
So Beautiful T,i can watch the reflections on the water for hours.The picture has a wonderful tone,simply beautiful


Mavis Dean   {K:3962} 5/4/2003
What would we do without your very beautiful glowing golden pictures T ? :))Such wonderful shapes, patterns and reflections .


Olaf Herrig   {K:904} 5/4/2003
Excellent photo work, nice colors! Regards, Olaf.


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 5/4/2003
nice image and colors like the reflection with the rippling water in this image.


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 5/4/2003
Magnifici colori e stupenda definizione!


Marco Grandi   {K:16680} 5/4/2003
Very beautiful,T!Compliments again.
Bye Marco.


Edeltraud Vinckx   {K:5559} 5/4/2003
grandios composition


Alex Uchôa   {K:18547} 5/4/2003
Mais um belíssimo pôr do Sol T.


Jordi Serra   {K:3818} 5/4/2003
Bonitos tonos y reflejos, excelente composición y detalle :-)saludos, Js.


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 5/4/2003
The water looks so liquid with such beautiful sunset colors, maybe sunrise? Well done. Don.


Marcio Cabral   {K:12496} 5/4/2003
Lindos reflexos, cores e composição T, excelente trabalho como de costume, um abraço!


Estevao Jose   {K:6115} 5/4/2003
Another fantastic presentation, great colors and lighting use, very well done, as usual, T, my best regards again!!!


anna wolf   {K:2366} 5/4/2003
this one is just super, very good perspective to give view through windows,... fantastic water, lovely mood of colors, so beautiful at all !!!!


lidian neeleman   {K:6700} 5/4/2003
Beautifull shot! Lidian


Mário Sousa   {K:16985} 5/4/2003
beautiful, regards Mário


Andre Cajot   {K:7793} 5/4/2003
Water falls from the screen into my office !


Aguinaldo Vera-Cruz   {K:326} 5/4/2003
Very nice composition and great colour !


António Nunes   {K:1201} 5/4/2003
Muito linda!


Alberto Agnoletti   {K:12811} 5/4/2003
Great shot!! Congrats


Paulo Granadas   {K:1711} 5/4/2003
Fabulosa T. As tonalidades estão espetaculares.


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 5/4/2003
Great composition.


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 5/4/2003
Fantastic! I love the foreground, the background, the colours, the mood... everything!!!


Günter Koth   {K:13841} 5/4/2003
Splendid work. Beautiful colors and reflections. Great low angle shot.


Jorge Garcia   {K:8733} 5/4/2003
Beleza meu caro! Abraço


Marco Brivio Marco Brivio   {K:14339} 5/4/2003


Branislav Fabijanich   {K:5453} 5/4/2003
Beautiful scene. Very nice colours and composition! Regards, Branislav


Marcin Gorski   {K:12388} 5/4/2003
the foreground is simply fantastic, clarity is impressive. Great. Abraco, Marcin


Ronny Van Eeckhoutte   {K:12734} 5/4/2003
Fantastic work, very nice composed...T.


LIM CH   {K:1605} 5/3/2003
good low angle shot of a great sunset


Petri Puurunen   {K:3397} 5/3/2003
nice shot! reflection looks good, colors are beautiful and contrast ok. composition might be little different...


Javed Rassi Javed Rassi   {K:8223} 5/3/2003
Excellent composition and color.


Bart Aldrich   {K:7614} 5/3/2003
Stunning! Excellent job, TG. Will we ever know your real name?


Subha Pindiproli   {K:10108} 5/3/2003
T Glow.. i love the min. DOF here.. the water closest to the lens is in focus.. very well done.. and thank you for rating most of my images.


- simos -   {K:9354} 5/3/2003
regards, simo


Ranae Fitzgerald   {K:1093} 5/3/2003
T....The water is like molten gold! How beautiful it is. What, and where is this place? It looks so very interesting. Another winning photo for you, T. Great capture. Ranae


Linda Miller   {K:82} 5/3/2003
Love the mood this shot creates.


Dan Bonea   {K:338} 5/3/2003
Excellent composition, so warm colours and peaceful mood, looks almost unreal...Regards, Dan.


Vicki Bentley   {K:5080} 5/3/2003
You never cease to amaze me! Beautifully done. Bravo!!!


RosaMaria F. S. Faria   {K:1281} 5/3/2003
Wow....congrats. Lovely effect on the water.


Yiannis Gabrilis   {K:2548} 5/3/2003
Beautiful color, Good sence of Depth, Nice Work.


Eleni A   {K:798} 5/3/2003
T! WOW is all I can say..Excellent shot!


Marília Ferraz   {K:-4756} 5/3/2003
Ainda acordado, T?
Eu também. Passando algumas fotos da camera para o computador.
Meanwhile, you keep posting your golden pictures.
Great geometrical effect in here. Building, trees and poles.
Um abrço,
Qualquer dia destes, gostaria de ver alguns de seus estudos abstratos.


Yvon Loyer   {K:1449} 5/3/2003
Powerfull shoot! I love pure orange tones and magnifico reflex on water...


Deleted User   {K:326} 5/3/2003
Beautifull shot! very well done...


Rick Ferreira   {K:1453} 5/3/2003
T, WOW. Outstanding lighting, very well composed. Where is this?


Paulo Gama   {K:5067} 5/3/2003
Que coisa linda, T!!




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