Fadel J
{K:13974} 4/10/2007
Wow A1! :)
w w
{K:-631} 3/30/2007
I gotta admit that I'm a little bit confused.?Sometimes it seems to me as if I'm just being used.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 3/30/2007
"You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to So that when they turn their backs on you You'll get the chance to put the knife in."
w w
{K:-631} 3/30/2007
Hahaha,,,I listen to that tune every morning,,,usually followed by Animals,,,never cared for Parsons though.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 3/26/2007
Well, I shoot in color, and sometimes lean toward B&W, but honestly, I cannot often force myself to remove beautiful skin tones.
For years, I exclusively shot Tri-X Pan, which helped me 'see' textures much better, but I don't have the passion for B&W that many do. The world is just TOO colorful. ;)
Monica Renaud
{K:719} 3/26/2007
very effective, love it, Mon x love to see more B&W in your work, you seem to prefer colour though?
Martin .
{K:24957} 3/25/2007
FO, Dude!
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 3/25/2007
Preaching to the choir, Martin! I've been an Alan Parsons fan for years! Did you get to hear the re-mastered version of "Tales of Mystery and Imagination" he put out several years ago?
Actually, I'd flip that statement around: "Dark side of the Moon" was so phenomenal, in part, because it was Alan Parsons who introduced the large choirs and background vocals and brought some sophistication to their layered effects they'd never heard before. (but you knew that).
Martin .
{K:24957} 3/25/2007
"Pink Floyd" I presume? "Alan Parsons" was the engineer for a couple of their albums... If you like Pink Floyd, you will love Alan Parsons!
You should check out some "Alan Parsons Project" tunes... His work was very shadowed, because of "Pink Floyd"... "Pyramid" by Alan Parsons Project was my favorite... ;)
Well done, indeed,
Ms. Mel Brackstone
{K:5285} 3/21/2007
My goodness, now thats an interesting light source! Your model has very engaging freckles too :)
{K:727} 3/19/2007
Muy buena fotografia, se ve excelente en blanco y negro, saludos desde Laredo, Roberto
Ardita Dermaku
{K:74} 3/19/2007
this picture is amazing.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 3/16/2007
hehehe very good... I love experimenting with different light sources