Hear hear Annemette . . . the UF Viking Philosopher!! Well spoken indeed! Battle scars and injuries . . . laugh lines (and lap lines) . . . wisdom is not a given as we age. We all get old (hopefully) but we don't all get wise . . . or, more importantly, happy. Animals with battle scars . . . whether a cat or a person . . . are much more interesting!! :)
Such wise and beautiful words, Annemette... you are so good to me. I very rarely take self portraits, but sometimes I feel a need to record the passage of time in as a raw a way as possible... in fact I like lines and wrinkles! My hero is Keith Richards, so I should do!!
Nothing old about that hand. Wait and see. When you turn 80, youŽll wonder why you felt this way;) Still I know what you mean. In this world that has become so obsessed with surface, it can be difficult wittnessing oneŽs own deteriation that happens slowly day by day. We feel more or less the same on the inside, but the "meatpackage" changes character! I try to avoid people, places and magazines that aim to tell us to look in a certain way. I refuse to be dictated by shallow fools. Actually I find both men and women much more attractive when thereŽs some character to them, some lines showing who they are. We must learn also to love these changes on ourselves by being firm on the inside. IŽd love to live for several hundred years though which is another matter within the field of ageing;-) Nice hands and good idea. No need to worry.