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In The Morning
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Image Title:  In The Morning
Favorites: 1 
 By: T Glow  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  T Glow {Karma:14955}
Project #15 Personal style & the metaphysics of art. Camera Model sony dsc-f717
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Lens carl zeiss
Uploaded 5/2/2003 Film / Memory Type digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 830 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 56 Rating
/ 42 Ratings
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There are 56 Comments in 1 Pages
Richard Blount   {K:8015} 7/8/2003
Beautiful light, simply stunning - Richard.


Judy Kessler   {K:6316} 6/13/2003
When i picture myself there at this moment, my heart just soars. What a wonderful place just to take in fresh air and give peace to your eyes.


Sylvia Gandara   {K:4} 5/29/2003
T, como sempre, muita beleza! Cores, luz e sombra em perfeita harmonia na composição como um todo.
Um abraço


Maria Sousa   {K:1456} 5/12/2003
Poética, belíssima!


Bandi Friedmann   {K:1100} 5/7/2003
einfach grossartig. besondere freude für mich, dass die aufnahme mit einer SONY kamera gemacht worden. ich habe es vor die f717 selber anzuschaffen
gruss (ecet)


Marco Grandi   {K:16680} 5/6/2003
Superb light..:-)
Bye Marco.


Kaj Nielsen   {K:15279} 5/5/2003
Excellen lightning in a beautiful foto. Regards Kaj Nielsen


Libero Api Libero Api   {K:12174} 5/5/2003
Fantastic, congrats T.!


Jorge Garcia   {K:8733} 5/4/2003
Belissima composição. Vou arranjar um tempinho para comentar as outras fotos suas. Abraço


Alex Uchôa   {K:18547} 5/4/2003
Mais uma foto deslumbrante do mestre do pôr-do-sol. Acho que você deveria mudar seu nome para T. Sun (To sun):-))).


Jordi Serra   {K:3818} 5/4/2003
Magnífico trabajo con increibles tonos y luz :-) saludos, Js.


Mavis Dean   {K:3962} 5/3/2003
You must be a very happy man T with such a wonderful golden vista before you each morning .Fantastic mist and golden glow to this one . Love it .


Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 5/3/2003
Meu amigo,ele que se dane,levou a nota dele.E ele nem tem que reclamar, eu sei, ele andou por aí. Foi ele quem arrumou esse fuminho lindo, que dá o toque celestial a essa foto.Para mim sobram os abalos de terra, para porem as casas inclinadas, mas eu não vou ligar a isso.O outro dizia, "se hay gobierno, soy contra" eu digo, se há regra, eu furo a regra.
Obrigado pelo comentário à rua onde nasci.Só estou intrigado, a casa onde nasci ainda não tem lá a chapinha a dizer que eu nasci ali.Acho que estão à espera que eu estique a caçuleta( curioso em saber se vão traduzir esta girandola final, em bom tupiniquim.


Rui Palha Rui Palha   {K:13624} 5/3/2003
Beautiful, T.


anna wolf   {K:2366} 5/3/2003
very nice foggy morning !!!


Wilson Junior   {K:2092} 5/3/2003
T GLOW o construtor da arte. Está frio aí no paraná, deve estar bopm para tomar umas boas taças de vinho, abçs.


Flavio Trindade   {K:1023} 5/3/2003
perfeito! considero ke a primeira foto que tive oportunidade de ver é o teu pior trabalho de longe, pois todo o teu restante portfolio esta soberbo! muitos parabens!


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 5/3/2003
Great picture T. It has very nice colors and great depth. Very nice composition. Don.


Anna Pagnacco   {K:7448} 5/3/2003
What can I say? Your landscapes are "ever" spectacular.Anna


Paolo Dell'Aquila   {K:5046} 5/3/2003
Great shot T Glow! Lighting is excellent, toning too.


edmond lisy   {K:10311} 5/3/2003
Beautiful colour and composition !!


NN  NN     {K:26787} 5/3/2003
GREAT light, composition & mood!


Jean Luc LERY   {K:4975} 5/3/2003
Wonderful composition,light and colors.Regards Jluc


Marcin Gorski   {K:12388} 5/3/2003
fantastic, your colours, your moods. Abraco, Marcin


Dietmar Gebert   {K:327} 5/3/2003
Very well captured


Branislav Fabijanich   {K:5453} 5/3/2003
Very nice colours and excellent lighting. Beautiful landscape!


Murat Baysan   {K:1947} 5/2/2003
Fantastic work Great atmosphere regards murat


Ronny Van Eeckhoutte   {K:12734} 5/2/2003
Another beautiful sunset. Wonderful colors and DOF T.


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 5/2/2003
Excellent! The clarity at the fogof the morning at long distance is again the proof of the quality work! excellent lighting and composition between the azure - blue sky and the warm colours of the sunlighting and the ground!


augusto mario cunha   {K:19049} 5/2/2003
Boa foto com belas cores e efeitos luminosos.


Dan Bonea   {K:338} 5/2/2003
I always admire how you know to transform a photo into art, not many photographers can do that...Best regards, Dan.


- simos -   {K:9354} 5/2/2003
Excellent!! great color/light with good composition
regards, simo


pippo giuseppe   {K:16421} 5/2/2003
superb composition!!great image!!


Jahanzeb Baqai Jahanzeb Baqai   {K:197} 5/2/2003
Quite unusual. The composition that i can never think off.. well taken.


Paulo Gama   {K:5067} 5/2/2003
Muito boa, T!


Carson Lo   {K:27} 5/2/2003
lovely color and mood morning.


evangelia g   {K:2283} 5/2/2003
another great photo. simply beautiful.


Estevao Jose   {K:6115} 5/2/2003
Just beautiful, as of habit, T, greatly composed and presented with fantastic lighting and colors use, my best regards!!!


Jeremy Grigsby   {K:574} 5/2/2003
Another wonderful job, T. Lovely landscape. Great colors.


Bill Ciavarra   {K:10216} 5/2/2003
Very nice..I like this one a lot. Well Done T


Mary Alves   {K:1173} 5/2/2003
Wonderful work.
Best regards.


Yiannis Gabrilis   {K:2548} 5/2/2003
Beautiful colors and lighs, Nice work.


Rick Ferreira   {K:1453} 5/2/2003
what great lighting and color. Nice job!


Hakan Aker   {K:14146} 5/2/2003
Hi T,this is so beautiful.I must say its "perfect".Excellent composition and colors.I loved it so much.Regards,H.


Marcio Cabral   {K:12496} 5/2/2003
Realmente incrivel T, que amanhecer maravilhoso!! as cores, a neblina, a árvore, esta tudo perfeito! Um grande abraço!


Dave Deacon   {K:4053} 5/2/2003
I like the sun-up just behind the trees. I can feel the morning cool before the heat.


Ingrid Mathews   {K:7277} 5/2/2003
Beautiful. This has a feeling of a layered image. Nice work.


MEmar ME MEmar ME   {K:12566} 5/2/2003
Olá Tony:
Perante esta explosão de beleza, as minhas emoções soltaram-se de mansinho...
O encanto e a magia pairaram nesta imagem e prenderam-se a ela para ficar.
Parabéns e um sorriso de ME.


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 5/2/2003
nice lighting and atomsphere like this one a lot.


William Tell   {K:5241} 5/2/2003
Maravilha de composição e luz T, abraço!


Greg O'Conner   {K:2398} 5/2/2003
Wow, great lighting and mood.


Berenice Kauffmann Abud (AFIAP/2004)   {K:3147} 5/2/2003
Que luz!
Que atmosfera bonita!


Vicki Bentley   {K:5080} 5/2/2003
As always, magnificent!! I so look forward to your art. On my worst days, you have the ability to bring smiles and contentment with your masterpieces. Bravo!!


Marília Ferraz   {K:-4756} 5/2/2003
Boa noite T,
I'm starting to believe that every morning in your state is like this one.
Bright and full of good promisses.
Você tirou esta foto hoje? Aqui em Sampa chove sem parar e nada de manhãs ensolaradas.
Um abraço,


Jacek M. Jacek M.   {K:2999} 5/2/2003
Beauty composition..fantastic light and colors.Amazing atmosphere of place..Very nice work!


Luis Costa - Lucaz   {K:9205} 5/2/2003
Very nice work, regards!




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