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Eloise appreciates Guy's song
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Image Title:  Eloise appreciates Guy's song
Favorites: 0 
 By: Jonathan Charles  
  Copyright ©2007

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Photographer Jonathan Charles  Jonathan Charles {Karma:5248}
Project N/A Camera Model Fuji S3 Pro
Categories People
Film Format RAW
Portfolio Observations
Lens Nikon 12-24
Uploaded 2/26/2007 Film / Memory Type digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 841 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 7 Rating
/ 0 Ratings
Location City -  Nr. Bath
State - 
Country - United Kingdom   United Kingdom
About Guy is blurred by the movement so we can concentrate on his appreciative audience. Comments and crits are very welcome.
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There are 7 Comments in 1 Pages
Jonathan Charles Jonathan Charles   {K:5248} 5/12/2007
Steve, thank you for your interest. I did spend some time seeing if I could sort out the exposure - the main problem being that it was taken as a JPEG whereas I now use RAW all the time which preserves the highlights in the 16 bits per channel original. Your version does look technically better balanced but for me it loses some of the atmosphere of the occasion, which was a very hot summer afternoon with the shutters almost closed but just this brilliant shaft of sunlight filling the room.

As you said, it was a wonderful moment.

Theresa, thank you for your thoughts and for also appreciating the reality of the feelings I was lucky enough to capture.


Theresa Michael   {K:317} 5/11/2007
Call me crazy, but I actually appreciate that the surroundings are imperfect as it adds to the reality of day to day life and captures something that is real. It is an authentic depiction of that special moment of emotion that I feel is quite beautiful and heartfelt.


Steve Aronoff Steve Aronoff   {K:18393} 4/18/2007
Well, Jonathan, I think you've captured a wonderful moment of shared laughter. I like the composition. Obviously it's not posed and in an ideal world the computer wouldn't be there for my taste (too much of a sharp rectangularity in what is basically a photo of curves).
You also couldn't help the effect of the bright sunlight. But, I do think that when you're handed a lemon (just a metaphor), you can try to make lemonade. In this case, since you can't undo the bright light on the guitarist's face or in the window, you can bring the tonal range to the point where it's more in line with the excess brightness, using lightening and darkening techniques, and some contrast control. I think removing a bit of the red would also help this.
I worked up an example (below) of what I think could be done.


Jonathan Charles Jonathan Charles   {K:5248} 3/19/2007
Thanks Roger. Unfortunately recorded as JPEG so highlights unsalvagable.


Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 3/18/2007
looks a tad blown out, I reckon I would pull it down in levels a tad


Jonathan Charles Jonathan Charles   {K:5248} 3/17/2007
Thank you for your thoughtful critique. Your last comment is exactly right - a moment can only be captured as it arises. You have perhaps 1-2 seconds to frame the shot before it is irrevocably lost and so the composition has to be intuitive.

Actually I think the cluttered scene (including the laptop) gives a stronger impression of the real situation and the time, which adds strength to the picture. In other circumstances I agree that simplifying the background can enhance the abstract design - as you may see in much of my other work.

Best wishes, Jonathan


Jason Hopson Jason Hopson   {K:3283} 3/1/2007
Hello Jonathan,

I realise this was likely a quick snapshot, but I think this picture could have been improved with a little bit of set-up work. I find this image to be far too busy and cluttered. So the first suggestion I would make would be to simplify the composition by clearing out the distractions from the lower right corner, as well as the laptop on the couch. I also find the background distracting.

My second suggestion would be to get rid of the bright light shining on Guy's face and part of his guitar. Closing the drapes (if that's window light) and/or using a flash may have accomplished that.

Having said all that, I do like this photo. In your portfolio 'about' you mentioned that emotional connection is something that you strive for, and I believe you achieved that here. This is a great moment you captured, I love the look Eloise is giving Guy as he plays for her. Ironically enough, that moment may have been lost if you had taken too much time to set this up more - a real catch-22!

Best to you,




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