City - Florence State - KENTUCKY Country - United States
Kentucky Ice.. The picture doesn’t compare to the actual beauty of that day. Shot it with a cross hatch filter to accent the sparkle. Thanks for looking! -Mike
Thank you for your complements brad! Rainy nights and streetlights.. damn, and I was just about to post one just like that until you ruined it for me, JUST KIDDING! I’ve been away from usefilm for so long, I just haven’t had any free time. I’m glad to see your still here. I’m going to critique some of your shots as soon as I can find the time to get my thoughts into them, give them my full attention and meaningful comments. Your style of photography requires me to be in a specific mood, it’s so powerful and thought provoking, so beautifully depressing; it’s so “dark” I can feel it! Brad, I’m looking forward to seeing some new work from you as well! keep posting! -Mike
Hi Michael! I'm glad I popped in for a look, just in time to enjoy your unique offering.. It's nice to see the cross hatch filter being used in daylight (I've seen enough rainy night streetlights)! The humble blue nicely accents the brilliant shiny ice. It seems that we often strive for an understated image, and it's refreshing to see a shot that just pops you in the face like this.. Really, really nice, Michael! ~Brad