Gabriele Pfund
{K:11745} 5/2/2003
Very beautiful!!
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 5/2/2003
splendida! Io non avrei fatto il bianco e nero... eppure ora che la vedo apprezzo la scelta.
Nicola Vassallo
{K:9801} 5/1/2003
lo trovo paradossale, e al tempo stesso coraggioso fare una in bianco e nero ad un fiore. Tu hai fatto un gran bel lavoro. Eccellente foto.
Jean Luc LERY
{K:4975} 5/1/2003
Excellent B&W.ry nice composition.Regards Jluc
Eleni A
{K:798} 5/1/2003
Great macro! Wonderful detail, Well done!!
Betsy Hern
{K:12872} 5/1/2003
Very nice lighting. You've used a method often used in the pro studios, hitting the subject with lights from different angles to add interest and no obvious light source. If done correctly, this makes the subject glow. And you did it just right. Nice range of tones and textures, no hot spots, lots of detail, and wonderful frame. I especially like the little bit of black in the upper left corner. It is needed to stretch the range from very light gray to black. I usually like to see flower pics in color but this works very well in b/w.