RC. Dany
{K:64104} 10/11/2007
buen color ,buenas texturas y esa diogonal arma casi toda la direccion de la foto, te felicito por tu trabajo. anne...
Ruxandra Nastase
{K:1501} 5/8/2007
What a story in this picture! Perfect! Contrast, light, tones ...perfect! Atmosphere..this picture has everything! All the best! Ruxa
Dirk Noort
{K:9683} 4/14/2007
Excellent! Dirk
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 3/20/2007
An excellent photo, Dubravko! Composition, DoF, details, perspective and above all the very expressive moment - everything works hand in hand here. A moment of everyday life captured under the light of a documentary picture!
Congratulations to this great one, Dubravko!
Chuck Freeman
{K:13616} 2/22/2007
:) Great concept and with "feeling". Particularily, In Foreground is the elderly and his dog as to say-yes, someday you will be old. Thanks for Commenting on my posting. Chuck Freeman USA
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 2/12/2007
Lovely title to go with the picture..nice sepia tone and composition ..nessa ..thankyou for your comment..nessa
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 2/11/2007
e sad, da sam mogao, fotkao bi sprijeda..ali, trenutak je bio takav da razred s djecom i starog mogu snimiti samo ovako..nakon minute, kako to biva, ne bi bilo slike..mislim da nije problem s pravima, snimljeno je na javnoj povrsini, iako je to pitanje koje se postavlja po drugim zemljamama...odusustvo europe mozemo barem iskoristiti da snimamo kako nas volja :-)
Kralik Dr Jaroslav
{K:3385} 2/11/2007
Cinjenica: Odlicna kvaliteta fotografije, lijepa prica, pomalo setna... Zamerka: (ne moja - prema Tvojoj fotki, vec ona sto zameraju meni u slicnim situacijama a cega se ne mogu resiti... Kako bi bilo da je stari gospodin bio fotografisan spreda??)(No, to onda povlaci i prava na objavljivanje snimljenog materijala...) Pozdrav Kralik
Viktor Pravdica
{K:4907} 2/11/2007
Lijepo ispricana nostalgicna prica.
{K:61359} 2/11/2007
Excellent captured my dear friend. The title is perfect since one can feel the "nostalgia" with the pov you choose!! Congrats for this nice work!
Gorilla K
{K:17526} 2/11/2007
great scene and beautiful composed!!! very fine work!
lg, winfried
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 2/11/2007
Great capture of that sight and feeling Dubravko. Brings instant feeling too! Could be one of the children in his position one day!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174163} 2/11/2007
Perfectly tells the story, Dubravko...excellent!:)
Sergio Cárdenas
{K:25028} 2/11/2007
Great and decisive moment captured ... I like very much this street scene...good work!! Many regards
Wayne Winsauer
{K:7331} 2/10/2007
Wonderful composition and tone! The title is very fitting! I was thinking the same thing at first glance!