Hussam AL_ Khoder
{K:79545} 12/20/2008
Excellent capture!
Judson Borges
{K:6727} 12/20/2008
Anastasia R.
{K:778} 2/28/2007
Gorgeous photo, perfect composition & beautiful view.
Becky V
{K:9699} 2/23/2007
Really? Are you going to be in Vancouver soon? Please let me know if you are . . . it would be great to share a Vancouvery shoot!
I wouldn't have immediately guessed the photo was taken here . . . unless you had mentioned it was taken this past winter, which has been especially brutal in these here parts. It was even snowing this morning in places. We're supposed to see blooms by now!
You know, I've lived here for 8 years and I have yet to go to Van Dusen Gardens. *runs and hides*
Audrey Reid
{K:5872} 2/23/2007
Vancouver and around are god-sent for landscape photographers, you are so lucky to be part of it all. I'll bet you would not have guessed the attached image to be Van Dusen Gardens a month or so ago?! Would love to join you on a shoot sometime early summer?
 Winter Afternoon |
Becky V
{K:9699} 2/22/2007
Audrey! (Except I mean it more like "Aaaauuuuudreeeey!") So nice to hear from you! How have you been?
"Supposed to be" . . . heh. You crack me up. :) I really appreciate your critique (especially since I've been a UF deadbeat for the last, oh, couple of years). This photo could have benefited from a ND grad, only I didn't have one at the time. (I do now. Wheeeee!) I metered off the sky, but perhaps I should have metered off some of the lighter planks? Anyway, I was wondering how dark I could leave the bottom. I'll have to play with it some more.
Anytime you want me to list off primo photo opportunities in BC (or AB!), just let me know. I kind of like playing photographic tour guide. Vancouver is particularly great for shooting, and there are always more intriguing niches around the corner to discover.
Thanks again, Audrey.
Audrey Reid
{K:5872} 2/22/2007
Hello Becky, Compositionally this is text book perfect, hard for anyone to find fault. This is a scene one has come to expect of beautiful BC (and Alberta - I was once ticked off for not mentioning Alberta!). Since this is 'suppose to be' a critique site.....while the mid/upper half of the picture is perfectly exposed, I find the near half slightly too dark. One of these days, I'll need to find out from you where all these pretty places are in and around Vancouver :)
Wayne Winsauer
{K:7331} 2/7/2007
Excellent shot and reflection! Nicely done!