Zoran Perić
{K:-284} 2/6/2009
Excellent picture,regards.
benjamin kurtz
{K:2108} 2/6/2009
this is a nice exposure. all the details are well balanced. congrats on a skillful execution.
Mark Tate
{K:1151} 5/9/2007
yeah yeah yeahs
nima ojani
{K:128} 2/13/2007
Great sky and excellent composition.
Dan Gheban
{K:3787} 2/11/2007
Beautiful landscape image. One of the best I have ever seen. An I see a lot.
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/15/2007
Beautiful! Congratulations on the POD & enjoy the new camera :)Ina
Miguel Angel Muņoz
{K:1164} 1/15/2007
Magnifica imagen. 7/7
Luciano Guimarães
{K:691} 1/15/2007
If this one is a test, I can't imagine when you go for real ;-) wonderful details and tones. Congrats ! Best wishes, Luciano.
Patrick Cowley
{K:2095} 1/14/2007
keidy polska! :^)
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 1/14/2007
Super landscape. Congrats on the award, well done Regards Ron.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/14/2007
cooo and great..bravo! great test result.. congrats roby 7
Aykaan K
{K:13601} 1/14/2007
superbe tableau... excellente lumičre... bravo...
Tony Hunter
{K:4647} 1/14/2007
Great landscape with good composition. Regards
Latif alobaida
{K:5005} 1/14/2007
Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 1/14/2007
Nice composition, the water is just about a perfect mirror and the long light adds a lot. Looks like your new camera is a winner. Nice work.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 1/14/2007
A dream, Wojciech! Congratulations on the well-deserved award!:)
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 1/13/2007
Magnificent capture.:)
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 1/13/2007
Cześć, Wojtek:) Świetna praca. Nie chcę parafrazować oczywistości, więc powiem tylko, że kadr jest zagospogarowany zankomicie i Twój Eos potwierdza tu prawdę, że czasem odbicie w wodzie jest ładniejsze od "prototypu". Chmury są rewelacyjne. Moment światła wykorzytałeś po mistrzowsku. Gratulacje! Pozdrawiam:) Viola
nashwa rayyan
{K:1137} 1/13/2007
i just wanna rate
nashwa rayyan
{K:1137} 1/13/2007
amazing!! i cant express my admiration with this picture. i just love it. well done :)
Wayne Winsauer
{K:7331} 1/13/2007
All I can say is 7! Wonderful reflection and composition! Great shot! Congrats on the new camera body!
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 1/13/2007
Hi Wojciech,
Very nice image. I'm sure you will really like the 5D. How do you find the 17=40 with the 5D. I tested this lens on my 5D a while ago and was a little disappointed with the chromatic aberration near the sides at 17mm. Have you noticed this?
Gennaro Manna
{K:21301} 1/13/2007
wow!! fantasic image, great perspective colors and detail...congrats gennaro