Bart Aldrich
{K:7614} 4/16/2003
Very nice! I haven't seen your work in some time; were you away?, Busy?
Siddharth Siva
{K:3327} 3/5/2002
aah..i think this works better lighter..
joe rizzuto
{K:158} 3/4/2002
i like it, plain & simple. i really like the way you see & then photograph. there is a line in a jack nicholson movie, the name of which now eludes me, where jack says to helen hunt " you make me want to be a better man" well chris..."you make me want to be a better photographer"
Daniel L Quigley-Skillin
{K:1383} 3/4/2002
Much better Chris :) Her eyes come in to the picture more. I bet a print of this is wonderful!
Chris Blaszczyk
{K:610} 3/4/2002
Chris Blaszczyk
{K:610} 3/4/2002
I hope this is better. It looks good in larger format, but I did lightened it a bit:) Thanks for the tips.
Daniel L Quigley-Skillin
{K:1383} 3/4/2002
I keep on getting drawn back to this shot :) I too think the image is a bit dark. Lighten it up a bit and I think you'll have something really nice.
james mickelson
{K:7344} 3/4/2002
Just a little dark for me Chris. Print might be lighter. Face seems to blend into the rest of the scene leaving little as a real center of interest. Can't see the eyes of this lovely model well. Maybe a different printing scheme.
Chris Blaszczyk
{K:610} 3/4/2002
Sid, I can see them.
Siddharth Siva
{K:3327} 3/4/2002
I would have liked to see Anna's lovely eyes in this one Chris..