Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 12/30/2006
Excellent Ferdinando... this is a beautiful composition... love the water, anjd the skies.. very much drama ... 7+++
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 12/28/2006
Qué cielo amenazante... y un mar bellísimo... FElicitaciones por la captura!
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 12/28/2006
Intensos contrastes. Felicitaciones!
Chris Hunter
{K:25634} 12/28/2006
Hello Ferdinando! Yes, I know how hard it can be in a moving boat to get the exact composition that you want, esp. in high wind and waves. Also, I really do like the photo overall (I tend to be harder on photos that are good).
Regards, Chris
 Open Sea Photography |
Ferdinando Gorga
{K:682} 12/27/2006
Tnx Chris, you are right! but keep in mind I was in my boat and the wheather was bad :-) even if the day was 15 august! For the composition: I placed a lot of sea because the colour was very impressive and I looked for close-up effect. (and, after the shot, quickly I returned at home :-) I agree with you about composition, sacrificing the sea, I can obtain a less static image. Fer
Chris Hunter
{K:25634} 12/27/2006
Interesting day and lighting. This is a very strong scene, but I believe two things could have been improved: the composition and exposure settings.
By placing the horizon and island almost in the center, it creates a somewhat static scene. Perhaps trying to place the horizon on the lower third and the island off center abit more could have helped?
Also, while 1/1000th @ f/4 gave a good exposure, I would have dropped the shutter and raised the aperature (while still having a fast enough shutter for the moving boat) so as to increase the DOF as much as possible in the long scene.
The colors are very pleasing and the light excellent.
Regards, Chris