Wilhelmina Koch
{K:-200} 11/26/2007
Hi back ... the sad thing about this photo ...... it looks believable... :) Wilhelmina
Olga Vareli
{K:22477} 11/25/2007
This is hilarious, hahaha!Sometimes husbands can be very usefulm.mouahahahah!WHAT DID I WRITE????I meant useful (in usefilm)!
Wilhelmina Koch
{K:-200} 11/25/2007
Dear Olga .. thank you for the comment .. The picture is not as sad as it seems. I had to do a project "urban decay " and decided that street people can be viewd as part of the decay. But I could not find a street person .. so my husband played the part ... :) Wilhelmina
Olga Vareli
{K:22477} 11/24/2007
oh no...we live in a world that is supposed to be full of goods and still we see everywhere such situations and we cannot do anything...
Alan Shaffer
{K:5873} 12/14/2006
The composition, detail, and color are excellent in this one. Well done! -Al
Wilhelmina Koch
{K:-200} 12/14/2006
Thanks ..... I do have one in B&W ... you are right it is cool.
Gene Zonis
{K:6949} 12/14/2006
Nice composition. Wonder if it would be more "dramatic" in B&W. Good job.