Luigi Andena
{K:3580} 6/15/2007
Grazie Roberto: ma le tue foto sono comunque bellissime e si esprimono attraverso la delicatezza dei sentimenti :Complimenti davvero te li meriti.Ai prossimi scatti :) Luigi
roberto canepa
{K:7382} 3/13/2007
thanks to you, Ola. ciao roby
Ola O
{K:1334} 3/13/2007
It's very moody image, indeed. very well done, Roberto cheers - Ola
roberto canepa
{K:7382} 2/12/2007
glad u like it: it's my village! i processed my pc in PS to give that dream atmosphere... i tried! ciao roby
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 2/12/2007
Wow, I like this shot very much, Roberto. The light and (if any) post-processing reminds me of a vintage photograph from the early 1900s. Well done, in my opinion. Your frame adds to that, too!
Best wishes, Dave
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 1/5/2007
Such a beautifully magical image- full of atmosphere.
Maryanne Murillo
{K:11617} 12/20/2006
Very nice composition. It certainly conveys a mood. Nice work.
Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 12/13/2006
Mi sembra di vederlo nella nebbia del primo mattino. Un gran bel lavoro. Ciao.
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 12/12/2006
Bella..sembra una foto d'epoca..bellissimo il viraggio e l'effetto sfumato che accentua la sensazione di antico..bella composizione Roberto! Ale
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 12/11/2006
Roberto... Very pretty composition, gentle, natural colours and fascinating mood. Cordialities:) Viola
Marian Man
{K:80636} 12/11/2006
dreamland yes... so beautiful image dear Roberto!!!! excellent work by you!!!! I like it a LOT!!! all the best Marian
Claudia Perilli
{K:31090} 12/11/2006
Un bellisismo scatto e una bellissima atmosfera, davvero sembra un frammento di un sogno.
martijn wams
{K:6351} 12/11/2006
love the treatment on the edges of the photo. But I think it would work better if you would have the photo in more sepia tones. The bird makes the composition. Great capture. Kind regards, martijn