Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 11/17/2006
Thank YOU Dave.
And you're welcome. I'm happy you like this feel. Something about the almost "spooky" element here, but I am a romantic... to me it is combination of darkness and light and also the pleasure in leaving the interpretation of this image to the viewer's imagination...
Best Wishes, Aniko :)
w w
{K:-631} 11/16/2006
Aniko,,,,you create that feel that I love sooooooo much,,,thank you
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 11/3/2006
Many thanks Qasem!
Warm regards, Aniko :)
Qasem Shukran
{K:1508} 11/2/2006
Great colors and composition congrats
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 11/1/2006
Thank you so much Dear Viola!
Warmest Wishes to you. Aniko :)
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 11/1/2006
Good idea. Very much interesting effect. I am greeting you cordially, Aniko:) Viola
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 11/1/2006
I understand. I know of some other people who also still like to use film, not digital, and work in the darkroom, even though they also use the computer. It is just a personal preference.:)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 11/1/2006
Yes Dear Shirley... I enjoy the "ease" of the computer too, but still maintain the chllenge of manually (hands on) putting together images ... just for fun, and because I do not wish for the "old ways" to be lost :)
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 11/1/2006
Love your rambles, dear Aniko...ramble on.;) You are welcome. I used to do slide sandwiches also, before the computer. Now so much easier to combine the images in the computer.
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 11/1/2006
Oh Thank you Dear Shirley.
I love playing "let's make a sandwich..," as long as it is not in the kitchen having anything to do with food... LOL!
It took a while to decide which slide to place with the main one of the model, and those poor innocent trees from a late in the day almost twilight landscape, really seem to be some sort of threatening figures I think! That was the intention and I am gald this one "worked". Each and every experiment does not, as we all know, but is it not in the fun and pleasure of the doing??? The game is what matters to me... the result is secondary to the pleasure of playing creatively.
You are so kind Shirley and I value you as a good friend. Thank you for letting me ramble on... :) Love, Ani :)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 11/1/2006
Egesz kedves vagy Davide...
Mindent nagyon koszonom jo baratom... A szivem repul!!! Mikor elolvastam a "comment" toled, (amit le is fordituttam) :), sirtam es nevettem. Bisztusan tudod hogy menyire szamit a "jatek". Ha nem nevetunk... mi lesz??? :)
Sok Szeretettel, Ani:)
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 11/1/2006
They DO like like sinister figures, Aniko! This could be the cover for a mystery novel...great work!:)
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 11/1/2006
Oui bonjour aleinte somnuve liscomos antuanne poudre leFave ouische! MVMM, Ani.
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 10/31/2006
LOL Tony!
I didn't mean to laugh... it's just that the figures in the backround are actually trees! I am so glad they gave the impression of "other"... Warm wishes, Aniko :)
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 10/31/2006
Suitably scarey.The figures in the background are sinister!. Best wishes, Tony