This seemingly UNFRIENDLY rocky shore is more pronounced because the waves scatter when they hit the composition of the rock , which is Razor sharp to walk on. This stretch of coast is at KIAMA, just south of Sydney, and features a BLOW-HOLE, which is in fact a vertical hole in the volcanic rock and erupts with a thunderous roar and a high column of water, much to the pleasure of the Tourists. The local KIDS wait for the surge to reach its upper limit, jump in and get sucked out to sea, swim back to the rocks and repeat the process!
Thank you, once agian, Michele for your comment on my latest entry. Yes the water is mostly warm, but gets cool in the winter(I'm speaking of about 18-22 deg C, which is quite mild compared to other sea temperatures). I have some other WILD Shoreline pics that I will enter shortly....WATCH THIS SPACE! Don't lose that great sense of humour, M. Kind regards JD
I love the color of the water JD... but the razor sharp rock would keep me a bit distant. Good capture of the ruggedness, of both the sea and the rock... Very nice composition and crop... Is the water warm then if kids do this jumping off when the water is high? Or is it they are kids and could care -less ..ha! 7+++++