Mohammad Al-Mumen
{K:164} 11/19/2006
Mahmoud, very glad to see you name under my photo...
Mahmoud Abuabdou
{K:784} 11/9/2006
I always liked your ideas lovely smile and shiny eyes and face. mashallah
Mohammad Al-Mumen
{K:164} 10/10/2006
Thank you all...
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/7/2006
very interesting composition, this made a real great picture.
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 10/7/2006
Wonderful! Great idea and you shot it perfectly! I love the tone! great work!! 7++++
Big Congrats!
Paul E Brumit
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 10/7/2006
awesome idea and capture (raw3ah :) ) well done Mohammad.
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 10/7/2006
fantastic! Very beautiful idea!!
lius hanzen
{K:2844} 10/7/2006
intersting shoot... like it.. lius