A.L Carter
{K:567} 10/20/2006
Chad, I have the camera around my neck at all times. I lift the fishes head just alittle out of the water and take the shot. This way one unhooks the fish still in the water and off he goes. Thank you for your comments1
A.L Carter
{K:567} 10/20/2006
Chad, I have the camera around my neck at all times. I lift the fishes head just alittle out of the water and take the shot. This way one unhooks the fish still in the water and off he goes. Thank you for your comments1
Chad Simcox
{K:1845} 10/20/2006
A.L., This shot seems a little strange to me. Was this a steelhead caught by someone else? I cant imagine getting a shot like this while holding the rod in hand, or even getting the camera ready while fighting the fish. The position of the fish makes its head/face appear tiny and out of proportion with its body. But deffinatly a different shot than the typical fish picture. Nice work.
By the way, I really like the steelehead photo you posted in the Fall Colors photo thread over at Flyfisherman.com
W. Paul Rosenberry
{K:1729} 10/7/2006
I really don't know that I have seen a steelhead shot of this caliber, very well done and razor sharp!
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 10/6/2006
Glad to hear they're released, Al! This ones a real beauty, and excellent shot of it.
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 10/5/2006
Explendid photograph dear Al C. !! rgs jo