City - Scottsdale State - AZ Country - United States
Class Project: Peaceful Simplicity - A Study of Monet's "Water Lilies (The Clouds)" 1903
This is the last of this series. The class chose this as the best of the three but my own tastes prefer image #2.
The same post-processing was done on all three of these. Camera RAW for color saturation, contrast and exposure and Photoshop for cropping, sharpening and adding my signature. I find that most of my images straight out of the camera need a bit of sharpening. The Fuji "Super CCD" honeycomb sensor tends to make things just a bit soft (IMO).
Hope you like. Comments are always welcomed. Thanks for looking at my work.
Hey Phillip, That means a lot to me coming from you. One day I'd love to visit South Wales. Your shots of that place take me on a journey there in my mind. Just an awesome portfolio. Many thanks, Phil. ~ Warmest regards, Rocky
Well it's no surprise that we like the same image again.
It always catches me off guard when people don't like the image I do. I think I tend fixate on a particular aspect of a shot that others don't. It maybe a particular form, shape, color, gradient or subject and then I love the shot at the exclusion of all other things in it. Whereas, others may just see all the flaws of it and get stuck on these.
Not everyone loves the most popular song (meaning "you can't please everyone"). Some, in fact, may hate it. That's what makes the world go 'round.
It's funny though, over the past few days, I have grown to appreciate this image more than I originally did. LOL! It's growing on me. LOL! That's a benefit I hadn't thought of. By hearing the views of others about an image, it expands my own vision of it. I love that!
I prefer image #2 as well, I think it reflects more of a Monet feel for me...this one is lovely though too, very nice light and composition, wonderful color and textures in the petals of the Lilies. Maybe they picked it because of the light, it is very beautiful, and Monet liked flowers too. Beautiful work Rocky, and yes, this one is peaceful too...well done..hugs...:)
Thank you very much Jan for the vote of confidence on this. You're right, the sharpening wasn't very much (always cautious about increasing the noise and halos). For my camera I use an amount of 250 at 1.5 px Radius and 0 Threshold. Then I Fade the sharpen to Luminosity so it doesn't sharpen the colors. On this I selected only the flowers for the sharpening so it would draw attention to them.
Thanks again for the really nice comments and for taking a look at my work. ~ Warmest regards, Rocky
Rocky-- you would get an "A+" from me on this project photo. Although you may have sharpened it a bit it does not look like you had to apply much based on the lack of noise/grain etc. Love the colors and texture. Well done! --jan