Mary Brown
{K:71879} 10/1/2006
What a goreous composition. The curve, the slant of the hill, and the lines of the grass alll point to the two people. They stand out superbly against that bright sky. MAry
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 8/30/2006
Very nice composition here, Hanggan! I like the way the road curves down through the image. Dave.
Hanggan Situmorang
{K:37833} 8/30/2006
Thank you so much, Doyle. I truly appreciate your perception and meaning taken from this picture, my friend :)
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 8/29/2006
I like the composition of the road and land . . . and your POV here Hanggan. I only wish they were walking the other dircetion even if you had to change to the other side for the shot. That's because, traditionally, mountains have been the symbol for life . . . and going over them is the journey. These two seem young to be going down the other side . . . they should be struggling up . . . sometimes the travel is easy . . . sometimes it is not . . . but that's life. The shot is good . . . I only think it may have been better if the symbolism had been added to it.
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~~
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 8/29/2006
Yes, I like the curve in the road and the silhouettes.:)
Jason Hopson
{K:3283} 8/29/2006
I've looked at the journey (1, 2, and 3) and this is my favorite. Partly because I'm a fan of colour, but also because I like this perspective. I think it's an interesting composition and a good capture.