Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 8/29/2006
you've really captured the feeling here..:)
D.. Kim
{K:331} 8/29/2006
Beutiful rainbows on the house...Great capture. -dk.
Neil Duffy
{K:110} 8/28/2006
Great shot Lucy's hubby ... I love the way Lucy sent you running to catch the shot, but TBH my missus would have sent me too !!
Was on my way home tonight and there was the most fantastic rainbow ... unfortunatly I was on the busy M62 going between Leeds and Manchester and could not stop the car :(
Neil Duffy
{K:110} 8/28/2006
Great shot Lucy's hubby ... I love the way Lucy sent you running to catch the shot, but TBH my missus would have sent me too !!
Sebastian Zachariah
{K:3382} 8/28/2006
wonderful... great shot.
frank sotto
{K:1033} 8/28/2006
Olá, belo momento, hora certa no lugar certo. parabéns
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 8/28/2006
very beautiful photo! good colors
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 8/28/2006
Hi,Lucy! Spendid view! Welcom in the Rainbow Club;) Rainbow greetings:) Viola