Mary Brown
{K:71879} 8/27/2006
This is a nice shot of Parlaimwent Hill. I've seen it lots of times but never thought about looking at it in tersm of being on a tilt, so I don't have anything to tell you about that. I hope you enjoy your stay in Ottawa and have an enjoyable school year. MAry
Carlen Boersema
{K:6789} 8/26/2006
Thanks Elizabeth! I agree about the construction. There was a mountee that came with his horse and was posing for pictures. I managed to get an angle where he was right infront of the parliament buildings. I was like YEAH what's more Canadian than that? Then I look in the background and all you see is this massive blue crane. haha Yeah, that ticked me off a little. lol
Carlen Boersema
{K:6789} 8/26/2006
Well, it's on a hill, which I'm assuming causes a tilt but I've seen postcards with it pretty much straight on. I did a google search though and the majority of the pictures had a tilt so I don't feel so bad that practically ALL my pictures were that way.
And I already visited the kitties up there. The squirrels made me laugh so hard though. You'll see when I post the pic of them. :P
Rick Carroll
{K:224} 8/26/2006
Nice to see a shot of my hometown and a fellow Canadian here. Keep shooting and all the best.
elizabeth Blair
{K:2202} 8/26/2006
It is a great picture.. the one thing that is they always seem to be doing construction on it! I can post pics of there from last summer and there is ahhh.. construction!! I have pics that I have taken that too are straight but don't appear straight so will be curious what comments you will get from out there... I will be watching to!! Great shot... and good luck in Ottawa! ;)
Jimmy Piper
{K:5742} 8/26/2006
great shot. awesome tones and clarity here...
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 8/26/2006
I think it's lovely, Carlen!:)
Victoria Alexandra Murray
{K:1195} 8/26/2006
Oh I forgot to add...since you like kitties, don't forget to up up to the left of the building and visit the cat hotel there. They need lots of loving too! lol All the best Vic
Victoria Alexandra Murray
{K:1195} 8/26/2006
I never realized that Parliment is on a tilt. I also took pictures recently but didn't notice this. I do know that your photo is great looking! Nice angle to a beautiful building. Welcome to the big city! Good luck with the studies.