City - Penzance State - CORNWALL Country - United Kingdom
This is a Nostalgic recollection of mine. It's of when I borrowed my big sisters bike (very much like this one. I wanted to learn how to ride, and couldn't wait for my own bike. The saddle was so high that getting on to it would have been difficult, but jumping on from the garden wall would have solved that, but my feet would not have reached the pedals, as I was only about 10yrs old. So I had to grit my teeth and just ride standing up, with my arms almost vertical at full stretch to be able to just reach the handle bars. I could only manage to grab one brake so opted wisely for the rear of the two. Taking a deeep breath, briefly looking skyward for some support, and mumbling a desperate pray thru my bit lip, I pushed off. Easy Peasy Japanesey! I don't even need to pedal. Now a word of warning to anyone wanting to embark on such a stunt, DO IT ON A LEVEL SURFACE, NOT on a HILL like I did, ending up in the bushes at the bottom, narrowly missing the Brambles and Nettles. But I DID IT! I came, I rode, I conquered!
Award? Cheers Mate! Ty for your very positive comments. It must be the longest picture info I've written so far lol, just had to be done though. Thanks again.