{K:70138} 7/24/2007
The selective high contrast, hig stauration play works very well here to create the perfect surreal atmosphere that you want to convey !!!
A big congrats on this good effort and desrving award !!
cheers !! Avi
Czeslav Gavinkovski
{K:6800} 3/25/2007
Very interesting and original.Great work.Congrats for SC! Czeslaw.
murad ertaylan
{K:1240} 3/10/2007
Anca Dorohoi
{K:789} 2/24/2007
Vulcanii noroisi? Interesanta prelucrare. La cit imi place mie sa le prelucrez, cred ca faceam si cerul mai dramatic, tot rosu, sau chiar verde:-) Salutari din Iasi, Anca
Vandy Neculae
{K:7990} 9/15/2006
I use COREL PSP X, Clint. I started with a photo taken at the 'Mud vulcanoes', in Romania and colored it.
Mirko Sotgiu
{K:649} 9/12/2006
Wornderful image. Nice colors. Welld done.
Clint Tompkins
{K:1347} 9/12/2006
O.K. How'd you do it? You must have PHOTSHOPPED the heck out of it. I could paint it but not as good! Congrats!
Painter Clint:
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 9/11/2006
{K:10535} 9/11/2006
love it ism
Arthur Kornienko
{K:9686} 9/6/2006
Beautiful landscape Vandy, easy to see why it was a Staff's choice. Super composition and colours, like you say, just like Mars. Best regards.
Alex Munteanu
{K:1337} 8/27/2006
E foarte interesanta. Se pare ca trendul actual este ca o poza sa socheze si sa fie in acelasi timp placuta, desi se baga composition si transformation cu sacul. Congratulations!
Michalis P.S.
{K:10136} 8/4/2006
Very good shot. congradulations for the award. Well done, Michalis
Ciocodeica Adina
{K:219} 8/3/2006
O poza excelenta si impresionanata in acelasi timp, un contast deosebit al culorilor. Minunat
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 8/1/2006
Congrats on the award Vandy . . . very creative artwork here.
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174169} 8/1/2006
Weird and cool, Vandy!
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 8/1/2006
Muy interesante. Felicitaciones!
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 8/1/2006
Well done colour work, Vandy! The red is spectacular! Dave.