Against my skin, lashes, Rain Bleakness seems, my life, in pain A storm it brews, I feel its wrath But I must walk this darkened path
The noise so great, my head, insane If only, to feel peace, if only, again Though burden, weight, I find, must bear Shattered lives, my curse, I share
& walk this path, weighted with mind I find, on way, a lesson in kind & climb I must, till shadows move aside In faith & trust, my spirit, it guides
Then soon, I hope, the storm subsides & colour, my life, returns with the tide Like rainbows sweeping, the light, the beam & the feeling of, a heavenly dream
Then maybe we can smile once more Replacing where tears once fell before & then the sparkle in the eye & then we may stop, just, asking why & accept the path we walk upon Where we will find the warmth, the sun
So keep the faith upon this path Where crossings caused only wrath & maybe once we’ll meet again When dreams come true & happiness, replaces pain