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Pond Life
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Image Title:  Pond Life
Favorites: 0 
 By: Carlen Boersema  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Carlen Boersema  Carlen Boersema {Karma:6789}
Project #38 Photo Help Camera Model Fuji Finepix S5200
Categories Wildlife
Film Format
Portfolio Bike Trail
My Best Photos
Lens Fixed Lens
Uploaded 7/22/2006 Film / Memory Type 1GB xD card
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 450 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 11 Rating
/ 0 Ratings
Location City -  London
State -  ONTARIO
Country - Canada   Canada
About I had the BEST day taking pictures. About a ten min drive from my house there is a 10.5 km bike train with TONS of stuff to photograph, wildlife and flowers everywhere. It rained but I took 2 plastic bags to put my camera in. I took over 175 shots and I am going back tomorrow if the weather is okay. I must say that when I was looking at my pics I can see a definite improvement from all the constructive criticism I've gotten from all you UFers so THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I am so happy with how my pics turned out.

Wildlife I saw:
-a bunny
-snake (on another day)
-a squished frog :(
-whatever is in this pic lol
-a tiny spider that I could barely see
-and of course many dogs (people walking them lol)

I have to run, gotta be at work in 15 mins but here is one image as a preview!
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There are 11 Comments in 1 Pages
Carlen Boersema Carlen Boersema   {K:6789} 7/24/2006
thanks, luckily he was close to the edge of the water otherwise I wouldn't have seen him plus the 10x optical zoom on my camera helps ;)


vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 7/24/2006
Great find carlen you spotted him i don,t know..nessa


Jacob French Jacob French   {K:6315} 7/23/2006
Agreed! Still a nice picture. :-)

Keep it up!


Carlen Boersema Carlen Boersema   {K:6789} 7/23/2006
I think I had my camera set to auto focus with the natural setting turned on. (the camera selects shutter speed and aperture) My aperture range is only 3.2-8 unfortunately. I should have tried a wider ap though. I guess I was just really excited to see this and wasn't thinking about the technicalities.

Ah well, it's still a good pic in my opinion.


Jacob French Jacob French   {K:6315} 7/23/2006
Carlen, I noticed your complaint in the forum about sharpness up close, so let me address this issue first.

Honestly, I don't think there's an issue. If you examine the mound of...whatever that stuff is--algae, I suppose--I notice that the center of the mound is indeed in focus and quite sharp. Did you have your camera set on an automated/assisted setting (i.e. did you set everything manually..ap. shut. sp. foc. or did the camera?). When you take macro shots, your DOF is GREATLY reduced. I've read that sometimes it's as low as hundredths even thousandths of an inch...this is why macro shooters us tripods a lot. That said, I THINK the issue here is exposure technique. If you want the rest of the photo you could try a longer exposer at a higher aperature (i.e. f16 or something) to try and increase your sharpness and DOF. I am NOT a professional, but if it were me, I would try it. Can't hurt, right?

On to other things. I agree with Garold about the cropping and color saturation.

Hey, that was short. lol

Anyway, It's an interesting photo anyway, and don't sell yourself short. You have a lot of natural talent. Just keep it up!

Well done!


Carlen Boersema Carlen Boersema   {K:6789} 7/23/2006
thanks Rashed!


Carlen Boersema Carlen Boersema   {K:6789} 7/23/2006
Thanks for the constructive criticism. I had no time to do any editing because of rushing off to work. Yes, I know I have my priorities straight lol shower or usefilm? hmm... just kidding

Anyway I will definitely be taking a closer look at this one and I like what you've done with the contrast to make this amphibian stand out.

I do want to keep a sense of how overpowering whatever is on the top of the water is and how difficult this guy was to spot... I barely managed to see this him but luckily I did.

To me this photo is very versatile so I can pretty much do anything to it... should be fun.


Garold Jennings Garold Jennings   {K:2513} 7/23/2006
Carlen, I am only trying to help by offering my own view (don't know enough to speak for what is technically right or wrong) on this here goes. I would like to see more sharpness to the photo and some contrast to bring out tones (the greens). I used PS and MGI Photo Suite to adjust the curves level and also to crop the original photograph, trying to place the main object in the photo into one of the thirds of the photograph.(Rule of thirds) Used smart blur to take away some of the rough edges . Well hope this helps because you definitely take some wonderful photographs because of what you see. Remember if ten people look at this photo you can and probably will get ten opinions of what would be better, and as the saying goes "opinions are like A&*%$#$% everyone has one" LOL (Sorry for the last line)

P.S. I did the same activity a few weeks ago and wish I could go back again myself.
Keep shooting & best of wishes,


Well heres how I see the photo.

Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 7/22/2006
Let you try the cropping as you see your image would be at its best. I am sure you can do that and Iam sure I will like it . All of the best my friend


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 7/22/2006
The about is very interesting and the image is very impresive and so pleasant to view, wish you a good luck with your next trip.

All of the best my friend.


Carlen Boersema Carlen Boersema   {K:6789} 7/22/2006
can someone please help me with the crop? I can't decide. Here's the full image:




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