Garold Jennings
{K:2513} 7/22/2006
Thanks Fatemeh. Yes it is amazing to see how nature works. My subject (the dragonfly) sure didn't work with me LOL. Thanks my friend for commenting. Be safe, Garold
Garold Jennings
{K:2513} 7/22/2006
Thanks for your critique Ali. I think your right about the background color. I liked the green overall color of the shot but can see how it takes away from the subject of the photograph. Best wishes, Garold
Garold Jennings
{K:2513} 7/22/2006
I agree Ashley and thank you for your critique. A higher aperture setting should have been used to give less depth of field. I appreciate your time. Best wishes to you.
Fatemeh Rahimi
{K:13523} 7/22/2006
yes, i think it need more sharpness, but anyway it's great! it's really so interesting the way animals hid themselves in the nature! good luck Garold!
Ali Naghizadeh
{K:19600} 7/21/2006
Hi dear Garold.. just like Ashley I think it would have been better if you used a lower aperture to shallow the background but no that I think of it I think it's nice this way too with the low color contrats.. anyway waiting for the rest of the series..
My best, aLi
{K:9427} 7/20/2006
I find that you need to provide a contrast in macro shots. In this one, the dragonfly seems to blend into the background. A different background, or a shallower depth of field would help in this case. The composition is nice and the other elements are good as well.
Garold Jennings
{K:2513} 7/20/2006
Yes Riny I wished I had of thought to bring along my tripod but had to do the shots handheld. I really appreciate your comment and critique....I am going to get better with usefilm members help. Good luck to you.
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 7/20/2006
wish more sharpness,but like this one...