marta boro
{K:3245} 7/16/2006
MMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......you are in your house or in the hospital?
Studio East
{K:3349} 7/16/2006
Marta, I am not poerfest either.. 3 weeks ago I had a heart surgery
marta boro
{K:3245} 7/16/2006
now??????? travel is the most beautiful in the life.-..for me and I cant travel! I think...we are exactly the same..
Studio East
{K:3349} 7/16/2006
I am OK now.. lots of travbel around the world
marta boro
{K:3245} 7/16/2006
OOHhh yes! yearssssssssss...I am fine.. and you? I love this portrait my friend....as in the past!!
Studio East
{K:3349} 7/16/2006
Thanks Marta, next time I place a man with a dargon face... Very pwerful as much as beautiful.. :-) How are you? Haven't seem you for years!
Studio East
{K:3349} 7/16/2006
Thanks Marc. I guess you are the same as me.. either you don't like much this sweater or face.. :-) Regards
Marc Robin
{K:3385} 7/16/2006
nice...but I find the texture and brightness of the sweater a bit too distracting from his face. I am no expert though...
Cheers, Marc
marta boro
{K:3245} 7/16/2006
Andrey looks at me with much force ...a beautiful surprise..Marta:_)