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The Composer
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Image Title:  The Composer
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 By: Phillip  Minnis  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Phillip  Minnis     Phillip  Minnis  {Karma:13131}
Project #53 Tribute to Arnold Newman Camera Model Fuji FinePix S7000
Categories Portrait
Film Format Digital JPEG
Lens Fijinon
Uploaded 7/1/2006 Film / Memory Type N/A
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 2381 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 74 Rating
/ 5 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - Australia   Australia
About The highly respected Australian composer, Ann Carr-Boyd.

If you would like to know about Ann, just do a google search.
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The Composer

There are 74 Comments in 1 Pages
Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/23/2006
Now I am completely embarrassed!!! :) Thank you so much! You comments have made my day!!!




Rocky Berlier Rocky Berlier   {K:2009} 7/23/2006
You may feel like a rank amateur but your work says otherwise. The B&W toning on this is exquisite.
I saw Arnold Newman's portrait of Igor Stravinsky when it was here at the Phoenix Art Museum.
This has a very similar quality to it. Bravo!


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/23/2006
Oh, Rocky, thank you so much for your glowing comments! I feel flattered and, at the same time, a little embarrassed! :) I really am nothing more than a rank amateur photographer!!

I simply converted the image to B&W in Photo Shop and adjusted the levels, saturation etc. - nothing too fancy!

Once again, thank you very much!




Rocky Berlier Rocky Berlier   {K:2009} 7/23/2006
Without a doubt, this is one of the finest portraits here and worthy of the BIP award. Just love the lighting in this and the B&W conversion. I think it won the award because it truly has the look and feel of an Arnold Newman photo. I like the other one of her sitting but this one just feels more Newman-esque.
I would love to know your process for B&W conversion. Just wonderful work all around. ~ Warm regards, Rocky


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/14/2006
Oh, Marta, thank you very much! I appreciate your comments!




marta boro   {K:3245} 7/14/2006
You deserve the award dear Phillip....I love all this series of portraits at work with the music...Bravo!!!!!!! Hugs,Marta:_))


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/14/2006
What a small world!

Where does Ann come from? How do you know her? How does she know Ann Carr-Boyd?

I guess because I have three BIP's in the Arnold Newman project, my wretched name is always on the front page. People will soon get sick of me!!! LOL

Thanks for your comments!




Cathy Carroll Cathy Carroll   {K:28144} 7/14/2006
What a great home page! I think you own it! But Chris and his wife Ann snuck in there today. And did you know Ann Perrin knows Ann Car-Boyd? Small, Small world. ( especially in the professional music world.)


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/8/2006
Oh, thanks, Ann! I really appreciate your comments and support!




Ann  Van Breemen   {K:13399} 7/8/2006
Wow, Congratulations, Phil. I've been busy and haven't been on the site for a few days. You have really done well, and deservedly so. They are great portraits. Cheers, Ann.


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/6/2006
Thanks very much, Robert!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/6/2006
Oh, thank you very much, Janet! I appreciate your comments!




Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 7/5/2006
Oh my friend, nice to see you on the Front Page!
Very well deserved BiP award! I'm very proud of You!
Take care!

Best wishes dear Phil


Janet Marie ;-) Janet Marie ;-)   {K:-2076} 7/5/2006
Well done Phillip! Congratulations, your award collection is increasingly impressive! :-)
Janet Marie ;-)


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/3/2006
Oh,, Virgis, thank you very much for your lovely comments!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/3/2006
Oh, Doyle, thank you so, so much for your wonderful words!

Yes, I thought 'The Piano Teacher' would BIP, however, as you said, our opinion is different to others. I must say, if your read the comments on 'The Piano Teacher', from some of the very experienced photographers, who commented, you would have thought the BIP was 'in the bag'. Perhaps the judges were asleep when it was uploaded! LOL You never know!!! LOL

As you said, I am lucky that this one was noticed! Mate, I must say, an award is the icing on the cake, however the number of views is, in itself, an award. If people are drawn to the thumbnail, there must have been something interesting about the image.

Once again, my friend, thank you so much for your support and comments!



PS I'm about to upload the last one in this series. Let me know what you think.


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 7/3/2006
My deepest congratulations to you on this award. I know you worked hard on it and it's certainly well derserved. I (personally) think the previous version "The Piano Teacher" was even better and more deserving . . . but who am I? Both shots do convey the subject in a perfect tribute to Arnold Newman. While I think the previous version had the better setting . . . I love that the sheet music is so well reflected in this one. That's a big plus (IMO) which may have helped. Besides . . . who can predict the judging? My "Patterns" BiP came very quickly after the upload . . . some don't . . . it's amazing and a bit confusing how it all occurs . . . but you have the right idea . . . work hard and for yourself . . . if you're happy then who cares! I think it would have been a crime for this not to be noticed . . . but so many good ones simply CAN'T be noticed and it's nice when and if they are (or at least when WE are! LoL!!!).
By the way, if this amazing woman is teaching your daughter you're already a winner!!!

Doyle I <~~~~~


Virgis Dromantas Virgis Dromantas   {K:4212} 7/3/2006
The portrait is really one of the best... Sure, Arnold Newman would like it as well.



Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/3/2006
LOL, Oh, thanks, my friend, Joel! You're still beating me!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/3/2006
Thank you very much, Alessandro! Much appreciated!




Joel Aron Joel Aron   {K:14920} 7/3/2006
Well done Phil!

....racken' em' up! ;)




Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 7/3/2006
Beautiful portrait my friend, simply, clear and very well composed. Beautiful BW tones! Congratulations for the award!
All the best..Ale


        {K:12494} 7/2/2006
You are most well come my friend.


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Yes, Barbara, if you do a Google search - just put in Ann's name - you'll be amazed at her talent!

I was fortunate that my mother was a good pianist - she had lessons for 7 years. She taught me to read music when I was about 6 years old. I then had lessons for three years, from when I was around 11 years old. I enjoy playing a bit of ragtime and easy listening to music.

We bought a lovely, new, black Yamaha piano last year - I wanted my eldest daughter to learn. My other daughter does not show any interest in learning - she is into tap dancing in a big way. I am delighted to say that, under Ann, Kate is doing very well. What is so good is that she loves to learn and practice. We never have to prompt her to do it! I just hope she sticks with it!

Barbara, thanks for all you lovely comments and friendship!




        {K:12494} 7/2/2006
yes, she does look like a delightful lady, she also looks smart, I always wished I could play the piano. I rememeber when my dad traded for a piano, he said I could take lessions, but even as a small child I new we didn't have money for that, I told my Daddy I would learn my self, well I didn't lie, I did learn the chop stixs.


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Oh, thanks, Barbara!

No, Ann lives three doors away from us. We are extremely fortunate to have our daughter being taught the piano by her.

She is a delightful lady!




        {K:12494} 7/2/2006
Thanks for making me feel better, is this lovely lady in your family?


Susie OConnor Susie OConnor   {K:34798} 7/2/2006
Well there is that award that I was sure would be forthcoming. Congrats and bravo Philip! Very well deserving. Enjoy.


Omnia Mamdouh Omnia Mamdouh   {K:5107} 7/2/2006
OH Congratulations ,
Excellent shot Phillip,nice portrait
& great choice bor B&W.
Well done


Marlyce Chastain Marlyce Chastain   {K:4071} 7/2/2006
Many congrats on the award and a wonderful composition.


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Oh, Violetta, thank you so, so much, for your kind words!

Ann has seen your comments and, I am sure, she was very flattered by your comments!

Once again, thank you!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Oh, Maurizio, thank you so much! I appreciate your comments and congrats!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Thank you very much, Robert, for your comments! I very much appreciate them!




Violetta  Tarnowska   {K:24497} 7/2/2006
Excellent image, Phil!
I am congratulating you cordially on the award BIP :)!
You deserved her and everything what best.
I think that it is beautiful, that wonderful musicians are immortal and they are deserving this immortality.You made me interested in the music Ann Carr-Boyd.I will listen to it.
One more time, Congratulations! Bravo! Ovation! :)


Maurizio Massetti Maurizio Massetti   {K:30463} 7/2/2006
Excellent portrait, I like the strong tones and the perfect details. Lovely and interesting expression of the woman, congrats for "BIP".


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 7/2/2006
Dear my friend, this is amazing, very well captured
portrait shot. Lovely candid shot with great details. Nicely done!

Congratulations for the well deserved BiP award!
I knew that your all portrait shot are winner...

Best wishes dear Phil


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Oh, thanks, Barbara!

Don't worry, I sometimes scroll back through the pages and can't find my images. What's worse is that, sometimes, I forget what photos I uploaded last!!! LOL




        {K:12494} 7/2/2006
You are right I didn't notice, I do have a good eye, and know what I think should win, but it doesn't all ways happen that way, well I feel dume for not noticeing, but am happy for you.


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Oh, thank you very much, Luis!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Thanks, Barbara.

You may not have noticed, it did win - a BIP about 10 minutes after it was uploaded!




        {K:12494} 7/2/2006
wow, I love this in Black and white it is out of this world, I think it is perfect, hope you win something on this one, you should .


Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)   {K:21250} 7/2/2006
Dear Friend... it's an excellent capture...I konow when an artist whom known the message it's untill the camera, you are one of them...(sorry my english is BAD), your picture is wonder... REGARDS.- Luis Alberto Steinberg.(AFIAP)


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Thanks, Paul! Much appreciated!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Oh, Kathy, thank you so much! I am very grateful that you have been following this series!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Oh, thanks, mate! I appreciate your comments!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Thank you very much, Howie! Your support, friendship and comments are very appreciated!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Thanks, Dave!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Thanks very much, Pablo!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Oh, thanks very much, Mitra! I appreciate your support and comments!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Oh, thanks, mate, I appreciate your comments and support!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Thank you very much, Avi!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Thanks for your comments, Mark! They are much appreciated!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Oh, Rashed, thank you so much!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Oh, thanks, Jeanette!




Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Thank you very much, Galal!




Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 7/2/2006
Ah, so it is, Phillip. Thanks.
Great shot BTW and congrats on the Project award.


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 7/2/2006
Ah, so it is, Phillip. Thanks.
Great shot BTW and congrats on the Project award.


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 7/2/2006
Looks like you got that BIP after all, Phillip! Same subject matter, different image...can I call them or what (only kidding!). Congrats Phillip...and I love this one just as much as the other. Really well done portrait!


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 7/2/2006
Looks like you got that BIP after all, Phillip! Same subject matter, different image...can I call them or what (only kidding!). Congrats Phillip...and I love this one just as much as the other. Really well done portrait!


Jason Mckeown Jason Mckeown   {K:22200} 7/2/2006
Beautiful capture Phil, the whole series has been excellent, congrats on the BIP.


Howie Mudge Howie Mudge   {K:27933} 7/2/2006
Congrats on the BIP. Lovely portrait and excellent light and detail Phil.


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 7/2/2006
Well congratulations, my friend. This one is a winner, too. Even without the award.



Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Oh, thanks, Gayle!

Yes, this one was a big shock to me!

I must say with the comments that this one here:

has received, I was waiting for the award! LOL LOL

However, it was not meant to be - the judge saw it differently. He or she, chose this one instead. I'm not complaining, and I know Ann will be very happy about it.

We are just so fortunate that a person of her calibre is teaching our daughter the piano!! If you have the time, do a quick Google search on her - she has such talent!!!

Thanks for your comments and support. I really appreciate the welcome I have had on this site!




Pablo Dylan Pablo Dylan   {K:63918} 7/2/2006
Another great BW!!
Beautifull the expression.



Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 7/2/2006
Congrats for yet another BIP in the new project,Phil...tho' this is a good comp,i would have chosen the color piano one,or the B/W version...this one seems a bit soft in focus in the eye area,but does have a strong sense of her professional demeanor....all subjective,eh?
you seem to have an endless amount of energy regarding photography ...good shootin' to ya,Phil!


Mitra Nademi-Nassari Mitra Nademi-Nassari   {K:28234} 7/2/2006
Congratulations, Phil on your BIP award! Well deserved. It is a very beautiful portrait of this outstanding woman! Well done!


Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 7/2/2006
Congratulations on award for this one, a great series. Well done.



Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 7/2/2006
Hi, Paul, it is there, in the line above! You mustn't have seen it! Ann Carr-Boyd.




Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 7/2/2006
You know...a LAST name would certainly help narrow that Google search a bit, Phillip.


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 7/2/2006
MANY CONGRATS Phillip on yet another award !! (when do I get my first one ?? ha ha !)



Mark Sherman   {K:15669} 7/1/2006
Congratulations ! like how you got her picture from her past in there, along with what appears to be her music.


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 7/1/2006
you deserve the award for this wonderful portrait here, all of the best my friend


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 7/1/2006
NIce portrait Philip! :)


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 7/1/2006
Sharp & clear , Great B&W portrait , well taken .





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