Mitchell Miller
{K:3009} 7/8/2006
cool capture!! wonderful mood!!
Uwe Bachmann
{K:10222} 7/6/2006
das ist wirklich sehr stimmungsvoll, wie die anderen auch schon geschrieben haben. die farben und das licht sind sehr dezent, was dem motiv sehr angemessen ist.
{K:70138} 7/2/2006
Dear Ursula,
This is a powerful photo !!.. wonderful capture of the mist.. and the bright spot in the sky just above the head of the statue makes this SPECIAL.
Well done ! Avi
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 6/29/2006
No Hugo - the weather looks FANTASTIC! This is why some of us have chosen to live here! And I'm currently sweltering in 35C in Bucharest, while Tarifa is a cool 22C...
Walter Scarella
{K:19671} 6/28/2006
Stormy weather, beautiful light and lovely composition. Nice shot. Congrats.....Walter
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 6/28/2006
so mystic mood.. also the spain-land is so fashinating land!
have all the best my dear.. roby
Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 6/28/2006
Thank you Hugo! It was very stormy indeed,ca. Windstärke 8 ..the famous Levante (for surfers ). Cheers,Ursula
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 6/28/2006
unreal mood. marvelous composition. fantastic.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 6/28/2006
Hi Ursula, extremely moody and powerful image; the simplicity in the composition makes it tick. What a horrible weather!
Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 6/28/2006
Thank you so much John! I can undersatnd if you get homsick,it is such a great, cheerful and last not least windy place :) my son is living there and I am sure I will revisit Tarifa as often I can..actually would love to live there too!Btw,I have taken ca.7 GB pics..and still find some I have not yet seen...so some others might follow :) Thank you for your kind comments...Ursula
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 6/28/2006
That's my town! Looks like a pretty stormy day and I guess the crossing may have been a little bouncy. I like how she appears to be waving you on your way.
As you've CCd this, please allow me to suggest that when you get back to Tarifa (if it's not already too late), you walk out of the port and along the road to the left. Then you'll be able to retake the shot and avoid the interference from the ferry window! And if you're lucky with the weather, you might get many other fantastic shots...
Juan Gonzalo Marcano Prieto
{K:14254} 6/27/2006
wow!!! bella toma, en un momento muy adecuado, ya que veo que hay como una tormenta, excelente
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 6/27/2006
Very very good image dear Ursula !! jo
Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 6/27/2006
The stroke of back sun creates an unreal mood, like a vision, in front of a dark, threatening sea. May be the same vision fishermen see inside a terrible storm. I love this athmosphere, in your style. Ciao Ursula.