thanks for you comments. I agree. I realized my horizon was sloped after I had sent the image. I'll play around on photoshop and replace it. I know what you mean about DOF as well. I didn't have a tripod with me and yes having it mostly clear throughout would be nice too. thanks for your thoughts.
A nice idea here with looking at the beach THROUGH the tall grass. That concept adds an extra element of mood in my opinion to a beach scene like this. Two suggestion that might help improve tthis image: For one the horizon is very slanted. I used to have this same problem years ago, but am conscience when shooting nowadays, and if I still get it wrong, will make sure to rotate the image in photoshop. The other suggestion would be to choose a smaller aperture (a larger number means smaller aperture) which would allow you to gain a greater measure of depth in this. I don't mind if the beach in the baackground is slightly out of focus, but in my opinion, stopping down some would make it a little more clear than we see here, which I believe would improve this. Or, by using a tripod you could actually stop down to f/16 or f/22 and have the entire scene as sharp as the grass. A nice idea as it is, but a few improvements, in my opinion, can make it even better!