Auschwitz-Birkenau became the killing centre where the largest numbers of European Jews were killed. After an experimental gassing there in September 1941 of 850 malnourished and ill prisoners, mass murder became a daily routine. By mid 1942, mass gassing of Jews using Zyklon-B began at Auschwitz, where extermination was conducted on an industrial scale with some estimates running as high as three million persons eventually killed through gassing, starvation, disease, shooting, and burning ...
9 out of 10 were Jews. In addition, Gypsies, Soviet POWs, and prisoners of all nationalities died in the gas chambers. Between May 14 and July 8,1944, 437,402 Hungarian Jews were deported to Auschwitz in 148 trains. This was probably the largest single mass deportation during the Holocaust.
Auschwitz-Birkenau, Nazi Germany's largest concentration and extermination camp facility, was located nearby the provincial Polish town of Oshwiecim in Galacia, and was established by order of Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler on 27 April 1940. Private diaries of Goebbels and Himmler unearthed from the secret Soviet archives show that Adolf Hitler personally ordered the mass extermination of the Jews during a meeting of Nazi German regional governors in the chancellery. As Goebbels wrote "With regards to the Jewish question, the Fuhrer decided to make a clean sweep ..."
Dziekuje za kommentarz, Panie Wacku. Nie mowiac nawet o statystyce (oprocz 1.5 mln wizniow, 1.2 mln byli Zydzi), chce tylko zauwaczyc ze oboz byl sprojectowany wylacznie dla zydow. Gdyby nie problem z totalnym zniszczeniem Zydow, Birkenau (tak zwany "Auschwitz 2") nigdy nie powstalby dla Polakow wystarczylo by i Ausczwitz 1.
When counting victims of KL Auschwitz-Birkenau it should be mentioned, that the second nationality (in order of victims number) was polish. In the beggining it was KL (Konzentration Lager = Concentration Camp) designed for polish citizens, the first victimes were polish. It was the german camp.
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