Harry Jasper
{K:2913} 10/15/2007
I use Paint Shop this is how to make a shadow.
1: Open a photo. 2: go to the layer panel F7. 3: Duplicate the layer. 4: Make a new layer shift +Ctrl+N. 5: Make the the layer the sec layer by draging it down. 6: Scale down the top layer W95% H92% 7: Doubleklick on the 1e ( bl lighted layer). 8: In the layer style panel, > Click on stroke, > set Position center. > Size 3 px ,> click on color and select the stroke color. > Click on Drop shadow and play with the settings. 9: Merge visible Shift+Ctrl+E
To find the bg color of a webpage I use Printscreen and copy it to PS. Than I look what the BG color is using the eyedropper tool. I use that as bg color for the first layer. use the paint bucket tool to paint the bg. This way it looks like if the shadow is droped at the bg of the website.
Cheers Harry.Jasper
Cathy Carroll
{K:28144} 10/15/2007
My goodness this is beautiful. I love the ecstatic look on the bird getting its head scratched. Very crisp and clean, good use of depth of field to isolate the subjects. I also like the way you frame your works and would like to know how to get the shadow of one frame on the other. CC
Joao Brosque
{K:4197} 9/1/2006
Beautiful photo and composition :)
Harry Jasper
{K:2913} 6/4/2006
Thanks for your nice comment. Yes it’s a pity that the left losses some of the feathers.
Christina Stalia
{K:893} 6/4/2006
just excellent from every aspect!!! congradulations, Christina :-)
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 6/4/2006
wonderful, details, colors, contrast, pose, everything is perfect. Need an award.
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 6/4/2006
beautiful photo for a natural act of love, excellent DOF and sharpness with wonderful vivd colors. well done
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 6/4/2006
Excellent work . Fantastic DOF.
Allen Aisenstein
{K:5652} 6/4/2006
Wonderful capture. Nicely composed with fine detail. Excellent work!
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 6/4/2006
Love the colours and detail and such a very nice composition, well done.
Omnia Mamdouh
{K:5107} 6/4/2006
to my favotites,it's one of the most wonderful pictures i have ever seen to that lovely parrots,so romantic pose,great DOF,wonderful colors,soooooooooooo nice 7+++++++++++++++++++++++
Miles Herbert
{K:1947} 6/4/2006
Pretty much spot on for me. Colours are well saturated and bright, exposure is good, sharpness and detail are good, pose is good and conveys the emotion. Frame is well filled and background is neutral and well blurred isolating the subjects well.... LOL, if I had to pick a fault, the fault would be that the bird on the left appears to be featherless under the wing... which isn't exactly down to you! Good shot.