Christian Wettergren
{K:1333} 7/9/2003
I like this one, it sounds like some good jazz going on there. The saxophone squeks out rapidly moving scales, as the basfiol (Haven't a clue what that is called in english) hums on in the background... Nice emotive photo - I take this one! :) -Christian
Pascal Renoux
{K:4077} 5/12/2003
very nice!!!
Eric Goldwasser
{K:4294} 4/6/2003
OK, first of all: Rhythm!
Now: Blur... Hmm... In the context of this photo, I think it works... Sets of tone of jamming... Good shot Alisa!
John Strazza
{K:11535} 4/3/2003
i love it....
Ron Browne
{K:1282} 3/21/2003
Hi Alisa,
I agree with AJ. Great cyanotype-like toning and capture of the dimorphic saxophone player. I felt compelled to crop this on the right, but on second thought, that would have been my mistake. Don't really know why. I like this a lot and have added it to my favorites. That Steve, what a kidder!
Steve Kompier
{K:4629} 3/21/2003
This is way too blurry. You need to use a tripod or flash to "freeze" the moving people. Tyr using a faster film.
AJ Haselwood
{K:2148} 3/21/2003
Very nice, it has a lot od subtext to it. Reminds me of a gallery show called Digital Purrr, did you do any ps work here or is it a straight shot. The bluish tone lends itself wonderfully to the jazz theme. At least that is what I see. aj
Luigi Scuderi
{K:4407} 3/21/2003
great image, well renders the sensations i feel when i listen to music. congrats. regards, luigi