Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 5/27/2006
Hi Anthoiny, great tones and light great phtograph my friend !! jo
Quix Photography
{K:20204} 5/26/2006
Love this... the angle is perfect here for the cross... leads the eye to the lake beyond. The mood created by the colour, light, graininess & framing is perfect... even the writing on the celtic cross adds perfectly.. though wish I knew what it said.
Brilliant x
Michael Charles
{K:4348} 5/26/2006
This is definitely a well seen and well done photo...everything gels together...good job....
James McGinnis
{K:6045} 5/26/2006
Wow!! The vignette was a superb choice on this shot, in my opinion. It really adds to the ethereal mood. The Celtic cross in the foreground but off center helps to guide your eyes through the picture. Lastly, the sepia (or similar) tone combines well with the texture of the cross to impart that "old world" feel.
Well done!
Danuta B.
{K:426} 5/26/2006
I love the graininess of this picture.. Like a graininess of the stone