a. gianfranco baccelli
{K:21379} 11/6/2007
Please tell me, when you'll know, if they are really the team.
Leora Long
{K:11135} 11/5/2007
I was thrilled to find this photo, Alberto, because the car could be a cousin to the 1936 Lagonda Rapide I photographed at the 2005 Bridgehampton Road Rally. The body and wheels look similar.
The rally was modeled on the Mille Miglia and the team, Lisman and Doyle were known to have participated in 3 Mille Miglias.
You first noticed the similarity, but the spooky thing is that the team looks like it could be the same team and I feel compelled to send the photo to the Bridgehampton Historical Society. They would really enjoy seeing it.
Cheers, Lee
{K:70138} 5/17/2006
Dear Alberto,
I think I like this one more than the other one..the sepia tone looks great !!!
compliments, Avi
Piero Somma
{K:13399} 5/16/2006
che bella!...il sepia la rende old style (gradevole!)....la composizione, come sempre, perfetta! ciao
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 5/16/2006
Tonalità azzeccata,ottimo il punto di ripresa.
Ninni Termine
{K:8990} 5/16/2006
Questa in versione seppia ricrea perfettamente l'atmosfera delle mille miglia, splendida anche la macchina. Ciao Ninni
Cesare Baggiani
{K:1509} 5/16/2006
Ok, qui si sfornano belle foto una dietro l'altra....veramente bella & suggestiva.
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 5/16/2006
Lovely capture .the sepia tone gives it an old picture quality..and a great car..nessa
Arton Humolli (R-ton)
{K:1853} 5/16/2006
Very nice interesting image
I like the subject, colors and composition
well done
a. gianfranco baccelli
{K:21379} 5/16/2006
Come al solito, Mr.Hide! Saluti Dr.Jeckill
Franz Thoma
{K:3365} 5/16/2006
Nostalgic picture! Regards Franz
giovanni guido marchi
{K:27040} 5/16/2006
PS il toscano con toscano me l'hanno premiata....metà ciascuno vero? ciao
giovanni guido marchi
{K:27040} 5/16/2006
molto azzeccato il seppiato ,se non fosse per alcuni particolari potrebbe essere una foto d'epoca.