Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 5/13/2006
Hai colto un'espressione bellissima e terribile insieme. C'è paura vera in quello sguardo. La foto è splendida, alla Cartier-Bresson. Ciao Paolo.
Aykaan K
{K:13601} 5/7/2006
très beau portrait...
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 4/27/2006
Piero i prefer this B&W well done my friend !! jo
Susan Hernandez
{K:6487} 4/27/2006
He is so cute when he smiles, and by his body language he looks very shy, well done Paolo
I would love to have the opportunity to shoot with you, I'm sure I would learn alot from you :)
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 4/27/2006
thank you Susan happy to read you again..ok my next holydays in TEXAS :) take a look i added to this image another view when he's joking :) PAOLO
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 4/27/2006
....he's just sad..there's wind. take a look to another pics he has a beautiful smile. Paolo

{K:3365} 4/27/2006
Intensissimo questo ritratto, mi piace di piu' della versione a colori sia per le tonalità che il taglio piu' stretto sul viso, aumenta di tanto secondo me la drammaticità dell'espressione. Certo la versione piu' "allargata" è piu' descrittiva della scena e del contesto. è incredibile quanto un crop diverso possa cambiare l'intensità di una foto..
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 4/27/2006
Why he is crying for?
Susan Hernandez
{K:6487} 4/27/2006
Welcome back Paolo, can't wait to see more of your images from Mexico, since you where over this side of the world you could have stop by Texas to visit (hehehe just kidding :) ) I do agree 130130760 about the crop, it draws the attention more on the boy and his expression, why does he look so sad?
a. gianfranco baccelli
{K:21379} 4/27/2006
Bello questo taglio e bella il BN. Rispetto a quella a colori, secondo me, è migliore. Non si è distratti da niente e subito si apprezza l'espressione ed il volto.
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 4/27/2006
thank you so much dear Bobot! see you soon Paolo
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 4/27/2006
graziee Pablo, a me hanno emozionato questi occhi a presto Paolo
1301307 60
{K:44058} 4/27/2006
Hello Paolo, welcome back.. I think you enjoyed your holiday very much across the atlantic. I already looked at both before i comment, i think I prefer this cropping, the focus is more concentrated on the boys face in this composition. You captured this maya boy in his natural state, i think he is almost in tears. nice shot Paolo, hope to see more of your Mexico... regards...
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 4/27/2006
Una foto che emoziona! ottima. Pablo
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 4/27/2006
I like this version in B/W a lot, the contrast and tone here are superb and very pleasant, all of the best my friend
Piero Somma
{K:13399} 4/27/2006
lo immaginavo...ancora più bella!..fantastica! ciao