Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 5/11/2006
my honor Mohammad. thanks alot. regards.
Mohammad Al-Mumen
{K:164} 5/10/2006
For the second time: it is really really really amzing shot...
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 5/2/2006
Glad that you liked it Yazeed :) Thanks alot for being here.
Yazeed Al Ghuraibi
{K:4588} 5/2/2006
Great shot Green
love it !
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 4/27/2006
Thanks alot for your encouraging comment Nigel. honored that you liked it.
Nigel Watts.
{K:5236} 4/26/2006
Nice series of closeup of cars Great photograph Nigel
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 4/26/2006
Thank you Hesham for your support :) Have a great day.
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 4/26/2006
Honored that you liked it Leonardo. I'll be there shortly :)
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 4/26/2006
Thanks alot Jose for the rating & comment :) Regards
Hesham Abouzekry
{K:15927} 4/25/2006
more of wonderful captured 4 a famous trademark. H.A
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 4/24/2006
Yeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssss!!!!!!! Land Rover!!!!!! Fantastic!!!!!!!!!! I have two Land Rovers in my portfolio!!!!! Take a look!!!! Regards, Leo
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 4/24/2006
wonderful. great. 7
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 4/24/2006
Thanks alot Rashed for your continuous support :)
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 4/24/2006
Thanks alot nessa :)
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 4/23/2006
another wonderful b/w image here, very great details again and very impresive composition, contrast and tone, all of the best my friend
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 4/22/2006
Nice contrast and tones ..nessa
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 4/22/2006
Thanks alot Roby. Miss your presence and honored to see you here. Grateful to your ncouraging comment and rating. best regards.
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 4/22/2006
Thanks Mahamed. Just experimenting new things to photograpg so that I don't feel bored. To answer your question: none I enjoy seeing them driven by others :)
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 4/21/2006
steel.. coolll.. metal.. nice expsoure and macro details my friend!!! congrats roby 7
Mahamed Ariffin
{K:7114} 4/21/2006
Very sharp b&w image, Green. Embarking on an auto theme?
BTW, what auto do you own and drive?
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 4/20/2006
Thanks alot Mohamed for your presence and comment.
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 4/20/2006
great close up very well captured nice contrast and detail well done
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 4/19/2006
Thanks alot Ali. Glad that you liked it.
Have a great day my friend.
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 4/19/2006
Glad that you liked it Robert. Thanks alot for your encouraging comment.
Have a great day too my friend :)
Ali Naghizadeh
{K:19600} 4/18/2006
Another great shot in the series.. Well done dear green... Fantastic contrasts you've acheived here..
My best regards, aLi
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 4/18/2006
Excellent idea, perfect abstract presentation. Amazing b&w composition, well captured theme. Well done dear Green!!!
Have a nice day my friend! Robert
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 4/18/2006
Glad and honored with your encouraging comment Selami. Thanks alot.
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 4/18/2006
Thanks alot Steven for your encouraging comment.
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 4/18/2006
Honored with your encouraging comment Hakan. Thanks alot.
selami Torun
{K:9397} 4/18/2006
Very nice contrast of ligth and shadow! regards
steven kuerten
{K:30} 4/18/2006
very nice
{K:15913} 4/18/2006
Very quality image! Congrats!