{K:9693} 11/6/2003
excellent photo!. cheers, Jose.
Nish Sivakumar
{K:378} 9/17/2003
Beautiful! Meg, I think you should upload more pics here :-)
Nish (The Lounger of course)
{K:294} 3/29/2003
this is very nice. it seems to lean to the right a degree or so and yes, the forground boats are a tad too dark - but the captured the bridge very well here. compositionally it is a bit too 'cenetered' for my taste but it works here.
Jorge Vasconcelos
{K:33746} 3/27/2003
Excellent night shot,with the Tower Brigde in evidence. It is well done, my unique query is the originality of the subject. Regards, jorge
Scott McFadden
{K:5663} 3/18/2003
Great Toning ,very sharp The front boat/s is just a little too dark.
Steve Bailey
{K:757} 3/10/2003
Megs, really liked this one, very good subject, composition and most important use of colour, thanks for the invitation to join
Harold Leff
{K:117} 3/7/2003
I love a good night shot and this one is superb!
Alessandro Berselli
{K:2920} 3/6/2003
Black and with sepia is excellent, very good nite cityscape, good deail and nice composition, bye.
Darrin James
{K:3944} 3/6/2003
This is a good shot with an subtle mood thanks to the sepia tone. I can't help but think it would be better without the boats in the foreground or with a bit of light on them. You should have cut the ropes and left them drift away!! Well done again. Darrin
{K:686} 3/6/2003
Maybe a little too bullseye in the composition, but otherwise, I like the palette, and the shot in general.
Audrey Reid
{K:5872} 3/3/2003
Hello Megan, I agree with Andy, you have captured 'the bridge' very well. I especially like the sepia tone you've given it. This grand old lady looks GOOD.
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 3/3/2003
Nice night picture.Good tone. Bye marco.
Andy Eulass
{K:13435} 3/3/2003
Excellent capture of the bridge. The decision to go B&W was excellent, but then I'm biased toward B&W. :) Wonderful toning as well. I like also the foreground and the use of the silhouetted boats. You did a great job of conveying your respect for the bridge. Can't wait to see her again when I'm there in the Spring. :)