Ricardo Alonso
{K:2186} 3/28/2006
Me gusta la limpieza de la toma, los colores y la composición; sin embargo la expresión de la modelo luce tensa y creo que eso resta expontaneidad y frescura a la foto
Rona K **
{K:2375} 3/28/2006
Hi Mike,
Great pose and love the background for this shot. I would like to see her with the same pose and all without the jacket. I do love the compostion of the fashion shoot though. She is a natural for sure.
Mike George
{K:3429} 3/28/2006
I like the shot for the most part. I especially like the contrast in colors. Her pose is good for fashion style. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there is something a bit off. Perhaps it is her expression. She doesn't seem into the shoot, just kinda there. My own personal view is that the eyes/expression often are what makes or breaks the shot. It would likely be a good catalog shot, if just a tad brighter. Nicely done overall though.
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 3/28/2006
Pose and bg are lovely. You got to get the model to work better with you for the shot.
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 3/28/2006
very nice image with lovely composition and wonderful lighting. I guess the only problem would be her black T-shirt which mixed with darkness of the wall on the right side.